Tag Archives: union-address

Stacey Abrams Becomes First African-American Woman To Give Response Speech To A State Of the Union

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Source: Paul Zimmerman / Getty Stacey Abrams gave the democratic response to President Donald Trump’s second State Of The Union Address . Abrams is the first African-American woman to give a response to a presidential address. One of the biggest lines of the night was when she challenged Trump and said she didn’t want him to fail, she just wanted him to tell the truth. Even though Abrams lost her race for Governor of Georgia amid many stories of voter suppression , she’s primed to have an amazing career in politics. RELATED:  700 Wrapped Voting Machines Found In A Georgia Warehouse Check out her Democratic Response to Trump’s State Of the Union right here. RELATED: H ow Stacey Abrams Is Taking A Stand To Make Sure Voter Suppression Never Happens Again [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

Stacey Abrams Becomes First African-American Woman To Give Response Speech To A State Of the Union

When The Checks Start Coming In: Jobs That Offer (Almost) Equal Pay For Women

Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Just askin’ cuz if not babygirl gotsta get some work! If you were paying attention during President Obama’s State Of The Union Address , you know that a lot of attention was given to the minimum wage, but that he also spoke to the importance of women being able to make the same as men. We know it’s hard enough finding a job these days, so we figured we’d help you out by doing our research (thanks CNN Money and Monster !) and letting you know which industries might be the best places for ladies to look if they’re hoping to make as much as men. Hit the flip to check them out. Photo Credit: MySpace/ ShutterStock

When The Checks Start Coming In: Jobs That Offer (Almost) Equal Pay For Women