Tag Archives: using-facebook

Using Facebook, GOP Upstart Tim Pawlenty Announces Presidential Bid Exploration After Months of Preparation


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Republican Tim Pawlenty, the former two-term governor of Minnesota, has decided to explore a run for the U.S. presidency. “Join the team,” he said in a message on Facebook, “and together, we’ll restore America.” Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : OpenSecrets.org Discovery Date : 21/03/2011 20:53 Number of articles : 2

Using Facebook, GOP Upstart Tim Pawlenty Announces Presidential Bid Exploration After Months of Preparation

Israeli Army use Facebook to track down female draft dodgers

Facebook stalking is now being used as a tool by the Israeli army to expose women who lie about their religious background in order to avoid military service.According to reports more than 1,000 women have been tracked down after they falsely claimed they were exempt from the draft because they were Orthodox Jews.Military service is compulsory for most Israelis over the age of 18 – three years for men and two years for women.But to avoid having to join people can cite a variety of reasons – one of them is an exemption for Orthodox, or religiously observant, Jews.Using Facebook, the Israeli army is checking women's status updates and photos to confirm if such claims are genuine.A senior Israeli officer said they had found examples of young women who had declared themselves exempt posting photographs of themselves on Facebook in immodest clothing, or eating in non-kosher restaurants.Others were caught by responding to party invitations on Friday nights – the Jewish Sabbath.It is estimated that more than 35% of Jewish women in Israel do not join the army, because they say they are religious – but the army suspects that thousands of them are, in fact secular and eligible to serve. added by: sbacker