Tag Archives: vinny guadagnino

Jersey Shore Recap: If I Were Sober, I’d Be Bored

Last night on Jersey Shore, Snooki got sprung from the can but soon reverted to her old ways, while Ronnie’s doppelganger was discovered at the club and JWoww’s relationship problems with Tom Lippolis reached a tipping point. A relatively tame episode after Snooki’s epic bender , but a good one. As always, THG breaks down all the best Jersey Shore quotes and scenes from last night’s installment of the MTV show in its trademark +/- recap below: WHAT A QUACK: Snooki’s dad relays his disappointment. He’s disappointed, but Snooki’s dad takes the whole thing pretty well. Guess when your daughter once sold alcohol at a party at your house, and a trashed guest crashed his car and died on the way home, you’ve seen worse. Minus 12 . When her father goes off on her with the tried and true “I’m not mad, just disappointed” bit, she says “It’s not like I killed someone.” This time . Plus 8 . His lecture was a real deterrent for at least 12 hours. Minus 4 . Wait, was JWoww wearing a “Free Snooki” tank top? Plus 7 . JWoww and Tom argue via the duck. It’s only going to get worse. Minus 4 . Ronnie and Sammi are sound asleep and therefore silent. Niiiiice! Plus 5 . They’ll wake up at some point between now and the end of time. Minus 5 . Deena tags along with the guys and fits in well, complimenting a girl’s chest, letting a girl do a shot off her stomach, allowing a girl to grind on her ass and so on. They may want to rename their crew MVPD. Plus 10 . FUN WITH FLIP VIDEOS : What else is that thing good for? JWOWW, Pauly D and Vinny shoot flip-cam videos. See above. Plus 9 . Snooki gem #1: “Every time I get really excited, like if we go to a club, I have to poop my pants. If we go to a party, I have to poop my pants, if I go on a date, I have to poop my pants.” So Snooki and fecal waste are inseparable. Minus 7 . Snooki gem #2: “This is the things I think I’m addicted to: Bronzer, boys and alcohol. I’m f@#ked up.” Yes, this is pretty much the things, Snook. Plus 6 . Fake Ronnie is just as much of a sleaze as Real Ronnie. Minus 4 . Plus 8 for Vinny’s line in which he says getting to “hang out with Ron while he’s with Sam” is the best of both worlds, though. Funny and likely true. (DUCK) CALLING IT OFF: JWoww and Tom break up. Deena and Dean get in the tub and molest each other. The next day, Sammi says, “Men are pigs.” Deena: “He [indecipherable] last night, so.” Huh? Eh, Plus 5 . Real Ron on JWoww hypocrisy: “She sees her ex-boyfriend, then calls her boyfriend, but I’m the dirtbag? She’s just a shady bitch.” He’s way worse. Minus 6 . JWoww ends it with Tom Lippolis , saying he basically drove her into the arms of Roger Williams. Plus 8 , since unlike Sam, she clearly means the word “done.” Dude stole JWoww nude pictures ! Dirtbag. Minus 7 . Plus 13 for Snooki and JWoww’s friendship. They may be trashy at times (or all the time), but there is a genuineness that we really relate to and appreciate. On Jersey Shore After Dark , JWoww says Tom was an abusive control freak who “threw her down the stairs” because he found clothes in her luggage that weren’t “acceptable.” Does she wear anything that is acceptable? It’s JWoww! Minus 10 . Bonus Plus 7 for an episode generally free of Sammi opening her mouth, and for a little breather from The Situation’s antics, much as we love the guy. TOTAL: +27. SEASON TOTAL: +104.

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Jersey Shore Recap: If I Were Sober, I’d Be Bored

‘Jersey Shore’ Cast — Gym, Tan … Brand New Car!

Filed under: Snooki , Jwoww , The Situation , Pauly D , Vinny Guadagnino , Ronnie Ortiz-Magro , Sammi Sweetheart , Jersey Shore , Ride Me The only thing remotely new (besides that chick Deena) on last night’s third season premiere of the ” Jersey Shore ” … every cast member showed up to the beach house in an expensive new ride . While Jwoww , Snooki and Ronnie (who drove up with a very… Read more

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‘Jersey Shore’ Cast — Gym, Tan … Brand New Car!

‘Jersey’ Vinny: My Ride Got Jacked!

Filed under: Vinny Guadagnino , Jersey Shore , Ride Me , Celebrity Justice , Photo Galleries Vinny from ” Jersey Shore ” once again put something where it didn’t belong — and this time it cost him. Vinny’s 2011 Mercedes-Benz was towed early Thursday morning in New York City … so our tow sources say. Vinny parked his ride in a no-no zone on… Read more

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‘Jersey’ Vinny: My Ride Got Jacked!

Jersey Shore Recap: Creepin’ on South Beach Hard

Creepin’: adj. 1. To sneak about unnoticed and in mysterious fashion; typically but not necessarily to convey the message that one is a sexual being. 2. To cheat. Last night on Jersey Shore , Ronnie continued his sleazy, drunken antics, Angelina sort of made up with peeps and Vinny may have done the unthinkable. How did it all play out in episode three of season two? THG’s got it covered … Steamed over her “brother” being slapped in the face three times. JWoww threatens to beat up Angelina since Pauly can’t. What are sisters for? Plus 3 . Angelina Pivarnick claims to not remember what she did to Pauly D. Sorry, but these people are clearly not blacked out drunk EVERY night. Minus 4 . Angelina wears her trademark sneer, and sunglasses indoors . “I didn’t know being drunk and people making mistakes was that bad…” – Angelina. Hmm . She has a point. That’s pretty much the premise of the show. Plus 2 . Vinny gets his fade on … a different kind of fade. He and Ronnie go to the ‘hood for haircuts. Vin is thoroughly entertaining there and at the gelato shop. Plus 5 . Snooki rocks the “Old Snook Look” for a night out, catching Vinny’s eye. The poof and cleave can only foreshadow bad things. Pauly D: “Who knows.” Minus 7 . The Situation is usually The Instigation, but this week was The Mediation, convincing the girls to give Angelina a chance if she “mans up.” What a uniter! Plus 6 . Vinny on J-Woww: “Albert Einstein should rewrite his laws of physics and rework them around Jennie’s t!ts.” Point taken, but they’re kinda gross, so Minus 4 . Now, for the obligatory Ronnie-Sammi drama. Minus 12 , since it’s both predictable and pathetic that he was creepin’ at the club, then crawled in bed with her. Did Vinny do the unthinkable? He’s about to wonder the same . Late night, Snooki is plastered, tries to call boyfriend Emilio Masella and breaks a bunch of $h!t, then ends up in bed with Vinny. Plus 11 , if only for the fact that Emilio just learned this happened from the show and wants to fight Vinny. The following night, it’s guys night out: MVP style. M ike, V inny, P auly. The MVPs of MIA, supporting the GFF (Grenade-Free Foundation). Acronym overkill, perhaps, but we gotta admire the creativity, and they are the MVPs tonight. Plus 9 . Pauly, on Angelina wanting to tag along: “It’s not MVPA.” Plus 3 . Their debauchery got off to a great start by ditching Angelina when she turned around for one second, but ended up with a jacuzzi full of grenades and a game of catch with a padded bra insert. How do we even evaluate that? Wash . Ronnie ditches Sam once again, gets drunk and starts creepin’ on random hoes. Minus 8 . Snooki and JWoww want to put an end it. Do it, girls! Plus 4 . TOTAL: +8 . SEASON: +42 . Follow this link for the night’s Jersey Shore quotes !

Jersey Shore Recap: Creepin’ on South Beach Hard

Emilio Masella Wants to Fight Vinny Guadagnino

Vinny Guadagnino allegedly hooked up with Snooki on Jersey Shore this season. Now her gorilla juicehead ex, Emilio Masella, is allegedly ready to throw down. After learning that a drunk Snooki (Nicole Polizzi) climbs into bed with castmate Vinny, Emilio, who was dating the reality star at the time, vows revenge. “I am pissed, we were friends and he was messing with my girl when I was with her, it’s not cool.” Emilio Masella said. “I’m so angry I want to fight him.” “I mean I just said goodbye to her a couple of days before it was shot and she climbed into his bed,” the New Jersey native reflects. “I was devastated.” Emilio met Snooki in January after the first season of the hit reality show and the pair were insperable. In April, Snooki accused him of being unfaithful. Vinny Guadagnino recently snuggled up to his Jersey Shore co-star Snooki Polizzi. Emilio Masella, who briefly dated the reality star this year, took exception . Back in April, Emilio got dumped via voicemail by the Snook. The indignity. “She always accused me of cheating and I never did,” he said. “And now I had to watch her on national TV doing it. I don’t deserve this, I’m a sweet guy.” Sweet he may be, but Emilio wants a piece of Vinny – for charity of course. “I want to box him, for a charity,” said the scorned non-star. “I’m going challenge him to a charity boxing match. I want to raise money for the Chile Earthquake relief fund. I am so in love with her I want to do something for Snooki.”

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Emilio Masella Wants to Fight Vinny Guadagnino

‘Jersey Shore’ Boys — Ebony & Ivory 2010

Filed under: Pauly D , Vinny Guadagnino , Jersey Shore Like “guido” versions of Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder , ” Jersey Shore ” duo Vinny and Pauly D joined forces and proved what colorful characters they can be on the beach in Miami on Monday. The GTL dudes know how to get shady. Read more

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‘Jersey Shore’ Boys — Ebony & Ivory 2010

Jersey Shore Cast Puts the G in GTL

There’s no mistaking the male Jersey Shore cast members, sporting matching black tank tops and officially putting the G in GTL in their new Miami digs this week. Being filmed going to the gym during the day and getting bombed at night, whilst bringing home whatever trash bags they please. Talk about living the dream. Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Vinny Guadagnino, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino , and Paul “Pauly D” Delvecchio worked out during filming for the show’s second season. Here’s the gang strutting its ‘roided-up stuff: ALL SMILES : What’s not to love about this lifestyle? Their GTL dream may be fulfilled every morning, but one other change this season beyond the fact that Jersey Shore no longer takes place on the Jersey Shore: No grenades. That’s right, only hot chicks will be allowed at the Jersey Shore house in South Beach. Good luck policing that when it’s 4:10 a.m. and The Situation’s creepin’.

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Jersey Shore Cast Puts the G in GTL

‘Jersey’s’ Vinny to Fist Pump Up the Volume

Filed under: Jersey Shore “Jersey Shore’s” Vinny Guadagnino is getting ready invade something other than an innocent city … your ear drums.Vinny was leaving Menlo Park Mall in New Jersey today when he said he was preparing something for his female fans to “dance to” … and … Permalink

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‘Jersey’s’ Vinny to Fist Pump Up the Volume

Jersey Shore Cast Invades L.A.

The Jersey Shore cast is ready to take Miami . But first it’s off to L.A. for a press tour for Snooki, DJ Pauly D, The Situation , Vinny, Sammi and Ronnie. Are they ready for L.A.? Hells yeah these guidos are. But is L.A. ready for them? Doesn’t look like they have much of a choice, but here’s the cast of MTV’s breakout hit, mugging for the cameras right after touching down at LAX Airport … DIRTY HALF-DOZEN : The Jersey Shore cast members arrive in a location where people besides them are actually tan. Possibly from the sun, even . The gang appears to be in fine, orange, Ed Hardy-wearing form. We can’t wait to see where they turn up next … actually we can, but will find out for you anyway. Click to enlarge more pictures of the Jersey Shore cast at LAX … [Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com]

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Jersey Shore Cast Invades L.A.

Is the Jersey Shore Harvard-Bound?

Looks can be deceiving, especially after putting a few back at Karma.

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Is the Jersey Shore Harvard-Bound?