See what doin’ good can get ya? Ellen Degeneres Gives Waitress $10,000 For Paying For Soldiers’ Lunch Via People A New Hampshire waitress who picked up the lunch tab of two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government’s shutdown has been repaid – more than 300 times over – by television star Ellen DeGeneres. Sarah Hoidahl, a waitress in Concord, N.H., just wanted to do a nice thing for the soldiers, so she paid for their lunch. It cost her $27.75. On Friday, DeGeneres squared the tab and then some, giving Hoidahl $27.75 in cash and a check for $10,000. An emotional Hoidahl buried her face in her hands and thanked DeGeneres as the talk show host repeated, “You’re a good person.” DeGeneres caught wind of Hoidahl’s act of kindness when the New Hampshire National Guard posted a picture on its Facebook page. The story spread quickly online, producers saw it and invited Hoidahl to Hollywood. Ellen also gave her a 50-inch television. Hey, Ellen, we held the door for some nice old folks the other day, let us hold somethin’!!! Image via WENN Continue reading →
Toni Christina Jenkins (pictured) was working an afternoon shift on Saturday at the Red Lobsterrestaurant in Franklin, Tenn., where she says a Caucasian couple racially insulted her.…
An Applebee’s waitress who posted a receipt on Reddit showing a note from a pastor complaining about the automatic suggested gratuity has reportedly been fired. After the pastor complained to her manager, no less. Chelsea Welch, the waitress, tells Yahoo News that the pastor (since identified as Alois Bell) told Welch’s manager that the ensuing firestorm “ruined” her reputation. “I give God 10%,” the pastor wrote on the receipt , scratching out the automatic tip and scribbling in an emphatic “0” where the additional tip would be. “Why do you get 18?” There were more than eight people in Bell’s party, triggering the auto-tip … on a bill not even totaling $35. Still, the pastor was apparently not a fan. Welch, who snapped a photo of the bill and uploaded to Reddit, defended her right to post the receipt online, along with how insulted she felt by it. “I thought the note was insulting, but also comical,” she told the Consumerist about her decision. “And I thought other users would find it entertaining.” Bell, a pastor at Truth in the World Deliverance Ministries Church, was not amused when word got around, and called Welch’s manager to complain. “[It was] a lapse in my character and judgment,” Bell said, noting that her signature ID’d her to a friend in St. Louis, who said, “it’s all over Yahoo. You went viral!” “My heart is really broken. I’ve brought embarrassment to my church and ministry.” Didn’t stop her from bringing up the issue to her server’s employer, of course. A spokesman for Applebee’s said it apologized for violating Bell’s “right to privacy” and confirmed that Welch “is no longer employed by the franchise.” Welch was surprised that Applebee’s fired her, “especially because there was nothing specific in the employee handbook admonishing this behavior.” “I had no intention of starting a witch hunt or hurting anyone. I just wanted to share a picture I found interesting,” she said, still in shock from her dismissal. Welch also isn’t buying Bell’s “embarrassment” over the note she wrote. “If a person wrote this, obviously they wanted it seen ,” she said. “I’ve been stiffed on tips before, but this is the first time I’ve seen the Big Man used as reasoning.” What do you think? Is Bell being sincere? And should Welch have been fired?
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills rolled out “Vanderpump Rules” with lots of self pity in high heels. We recap the whining and dining in our THG +/- review. So back to Kyle’s dinner party that won’t end…at least not until Brandi’s been driven away in tears. Minus 15. Of course Kyle doesn’t feel bad until Brandi is running from her home crying and still she justifies Faye’s tirade saying she’s just being protective of Adrienne. Minus 10. Kyle runs to a sobbing Brandi in the street but if she really cared she would have told Faye to drop the subject long before it got to this point. The truth is that Kyle loves the drama. That’s why all of her dinner parties end in disaster. The next day Kyle invites Marisa over for some back yard yoga. What she’s really doing is trying to justify her behavior to someone she hopes to impress and it’s kind of pathetic. Plus yoga and gossip really don’t mix. Minus 8. The funny thing is that Marisa liked Brandi more than any of the other Housewives. She’s the only one who went out of her way to make Marisa feel welcomed as the new girl. Plus 18. Taylor tries to shake off the bad energy of Kyle’s dinner party from Hell by inviting Alicia into her home. Alicia’s a what? Did they even say? A medium/psychic/spiritual advisor? In a nut shell she spews a lot of new age nonsense, hands out magical rocks, and dispels the negativity form Taylor’s home. Plus 20 because even Taylor seems to have trouble keeping a straight face. I almost felt sorry for Taylor. Not only do her creditors want her 10 carat diamond wedding ring, they also want two of her designer handbags. The nerve! Minus 11 because seriously, giving up a wedding ring can be hard no matter how bad the marriage. And having a former friend turn on you is never fun. But at least now Taylor can move on. Adrienne makes a brief appearance with Paul and you could cut the tension between them with a knife. It seems they’re only here to plug their new skincare line. Minus 7. Whatever their secret that cannot be named is, it seems to be taking its toll on their marriage. Yolanda has as small a role in the show as ever. Minus 12 . Why is she even here other than the beautiful views from her home. Her life is far too happy for her to be a Housewife. However she does take the time to lament the cost of having a horse because in Beverly Hills, even they have their own maseusse. Plus 10 . Even the horses here are pampered. Lisa’s on hand to ask Brandi a favor. Will she sit down and speak with Scheana, the waitress who had an affair with Brandi’s ex-husband? Huh?!? Seriously? Why is this necessary and what self respecting friend would ask such a thing? One pimping her newest reality TV show. Minus 22. But Brandi sits down with Scheana who whines and sobs that she didn’t know Eddie was married. She claims she was young and dumb. Well, it’s hard to argue with that. Plus 10. But who on earth wants to hear the gory details? Brandi was married to Eddie and pregnant with their second child while he was screwing this bimbo on their boat and giving her diamond necklaces. Minus 30 . Ugh! As Brandi said, “I know your were f**king my husband. I got that.” Enough already. Scheana thinks herself the victim too since Eddie later dumped her and moved on to Leann Rimes. Is she seriously looking for sympathy from Brandi?!? Minus 45 . So Scheana is being set up to star as the sympathetic home wrecker for Bravo’s new show “Vanderpump Rules.” Can she be redeemed? So far, I’m not impressed. Episode total = -102! Season total = -273!
It’s been called the greatest rock musical ever made, the movie that launched Prince into the mainstream consciousness: 1984’s Purple Rain . The semi-autobiographical story of a Minneapolis musician known as The Kid and his struggles with success, love, and an abusive father — told as much through Prince’s tortured swagger as through iconic chart-topping songs like “When Doves Cry” and the titular “Purple Rain” — struck a chord with audiences and earned Prince an Oscar for Best Score to boot. But, as recounted in an exclusive excerpt from John Kenneth Muir’s book Purple Rain: Music on Film , the film was headed for the rocks until neophyte director Albert Magnoli dared to tell Prince the truth about the film’s initial script: “Well, I think it sucked.” Muir chronicles the history and lasting impact of Purple Rain in his new tome, on shelves today, from Prince’s early quest to find the right film vehicle for himself to his collaboration with director Magnoli in making drastic changes to screenwriter William Blinn’s original script (then called Dreams ) — a script that, Magnoli and producer Robert Cavallo say had been passed over by countless directors. Also included: What happened when Prince subsequently put himself in the director’s chair for Under the Cherry Moon (1986) and Graffiti Bridge (1990), Tipper Gore’s infamous shock over the lyrics to “Darling Nikki,” and considered analysis of the themes and symbolism that make Purple Rain resonate. In Movieline’s exclusive excerpt, Magnoli recounts his first, insightful encounter with Prince and how he pitched the shy artist on the story that would become Purple Rain . The film’s lore has long held that Purple Rain ‘s story originated from Prince himself — but according to Magnoli, it was destined to be a much different film before he stepped in. Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Limelight Editions, an imprint of Hal Leonard . ======= Meeting His Majesty, Prince The next task at hand was to introduce Magnoli to Prince , and simultaneously, for Magnoli to further familiarize himself with the artist, his background, and his works. Magnoli knew and had liked the 1982 Prince hit singles “1999” and “Little Red Corvette.” He held a powerful image of the artist as “a loner” and “iconoclastic,” but more research was still necessary to get an authentic feel for the man and the performer. So, while he finished an editing job on a Wednesday and Thursday and prepared for a flight to Minneapolis on Friday to meet his movie’s star, Magnoli wanted to learn everything he could about the musician. “I didn’t know his early career,” Magnoli acknowledged. “‘Send to the editing room every video and any foot¬age you have on Prince, so I can see the visuals,’” Magnoli remembers saying to Cavallo on the phone. “So he sent me all of this video of Prince in concert in Minneapolis, and it was during his bikini-wearing, high-heel wearing, long coat days. This was prior to the 1999 album, where I think he had his self-titled album Prince . . . I think that’s what it was called. He was wearing a jacket on the cover [of the album] with a bikini bottom, with his chest sticking out, looking very androgynous. “So now I’m watching all this video that supports this androgyny, and I’m thinking, Wow . . . okay. . . . I realized trying to bring Prince to the public—and I always knew I wanted to cross over from an urban base to a wider one—was going to be difficult,” Magnoli explains. “So I’m watching all this imagery, but I do see the vulnerability under all that crap, and I think, Okay, I need to focus on that,” he notes. “That’s where this is coming from anyway.” An encounter on the way to the airport didn’t exactly quell Magnoli’s concern that the visuals surrounding Prince might have difficulty playing in Peoria. He asked his African American cab driver on the way to LAX if he knew of the performer/songwriter Prince. The man did know of him, so Magnoli next pressed the gentleman on what he thought about him. The man replied that Prince was gay, and furthermore, couldn’t imagine that Prince was not gay. “Don’t forget,” admonishes Magnoli, “we’re back in 1983 now. Nowadays it’s not even an issue. We’ve come a long way, baby. But now I’m thinking, All right . . . more . . . stuff. But when I later met him, I realized, no, this is not even an issue. This is just the noise. This is just the chatter. I never factored it in, ever — ever — from that point on. The frills didn’t bother me. The purple coats didn’t bother me. This was all the stuff, all the chatter, that anybody who didn’t know the soul would just latch on to. And they were going to do that anyway. As long as I could stay focused on the heart and soul, I knew I would be fine.” Albert Magnoli, from the archive of John K. Muir When Magnoli arrived in Minneapolis late in the evening, he met Steve Fargnoli, who promptly informed him that his new story was off and the Blinn story was back on. Fargnoli — whom Magnoli sometimes jokingly referred to as “the second part of a three-part series,” approached him with grave seriousness. “The first words out of his mouth are: ‘Understand this: I don’t give a damn about the story you told Bob [Cavallo]. We’re doing the story that’s already written.’ And I said, ‘Uh huh.’” Then Magnoli was taken to actually meet with Prince. In a hotel lobby, Magnoli first met Chick, Prince’s legendary, Nordic bodyguard, whom Magnoli described as a very “tall, Viking-looking person,” and then went off to a corner to observe the dynamics of the situation. “To my right were the elevator doors,” Magnoli explains. “To my left, across the lobby, was the front door of the building, where Steve [Fargnoli] and Chick were positioned. Then the doors opened at the crack of midnight sharp and out walks Prince by himself. “Because he didn’t know who I was, he didn’t see me. He saw Chick and Steve at the end of the hall and walked to them, which allowed me to do a right-to-left pan with Prince, unencumbered by him knowing I was looking at him. As a result, I ended up filling [in] the whole story based on him walking across the lobby. Because what I saw was extreme vulnerability, in spite of all the bluster and the costume and the music. This was a vulnerable young man. I saw all the heart and soul. I saw all the emotional stuff. I saw the tragedy of his upbringing. I just saw stuff and felt stuff that filled in the three-act story.” Together, Prince, Magnoli, Cavallo, Fargnoli, and Chick went to a working dinner. “I was looking at Prince and I could tell he didn’t like being looked at,” Magnoli says. “He’s very shy. Everybody ordered food, and as soon as the waitress left, Prince looked at me and said, ‘Okay, how did you like my script?’ “I realized a few things there. One, he said, ‘my script,’ which meant that he had personally invested himself in whatever it was that William Blinn had written. And two, that he hadn’t been told anything that I felt about it.” “The words that came out of my mouth were the following: ‘Well, I think it sucked.’” Magnoli pauses for dramatic effect. “At that moment, Steve dropped his head, Chick leaned closer to me, and Prince looked startled. Then I could see him thinking and what he was thinking was: ‘I wasn’t told this before this meeting was to take place. Why wasn’t I told?’ Then he looked toward Steve, because obviously Steve had told him nothing. That look to Steve took about three seconds, but it was telling to me, because now I saw how the operation worked. He had been kept in the dark about this.” “So then Prince looked back to me and said, ‘Why does it suck?’ And I said, ‘You know what, it’s not important why, but here’s what we can do about it. Let me tell you the story.’ So now, with even more passion, because I have more information now that I’m looking at this kid, I told this story. “There was five seconds of silence. Then he looked at Steve and said, ‘Why don’t you take Chick and go home.’ Then he looked at me and said, ‘Why don’t you come with me?’ ‘I’m just going to take Al for a ride.’” Not knowing exactly what was going to happen, Magnoli remembers feeling a little uncertain. Had he offended Prince? Had he made him angry? “We got in his car; he got behind the wheel, I got into the passenger’s seat, and he took off fast,” Magnoli notes. “The next thing I knew, we were driving in pitch-black darkness, [with] not a light in sight. I had no idea where we were. It looked like we were driving in a black tube. A day later I realized we were in horizon-to-horizon farmland, but there were no lights. So I was thinking, He didn’t like the story . . . and now I’m dead. I can die right now. and no one will know. . . .” This nighttime ride was not the beginning of a murder plot, however, but the start of a very fruitful working relationship for Magnoli and Prince. Even though the story Magnoli had recounted involved the lead character (Prince himself, hereafter called “The Kid”) being at odds with his parents, his bandmates, and even his girlfriend, Prince never once flinched from a warts-and-all, three-dimensional presentation. “The thing about Prince is that he wasn’t concerned about his image,” Magnoli reveals. “He was concerned about whether the film would communicate. Would the music communicate? “I said to him, ‘If you’re willing to let me have your father in the movie give you a kick in the face on a certain page and get thrown across the room — if you’re willing to take that hit — we can make a great movie.’ “And he said, ‘I’m willing to take that hit.’ So that was it, metaphorically, realistically, and literally. Because he does get smacked by his old man in the movie. “And then I jokingly said to him, ‘There isn’t a person on the planet who wouldn’t want to hit a rock star in the face,’” Magnoli continues. “And he laughed and said he understood that. We both understood that the image of these people as entitled and selfish was a target. We understood that. “We never discussed warts and all. It just became part of the script and it was totally embraced,” Magnoli explains. When interviewed some time later, Prince reflected on the seemingly biographical aspects of the Magnoli script. “We used parts of my past and present to make the story pop more, but it was a story,” he emphasized. Purple Rain: Music on Film is available in stores today. Follow Movieline on Twitter .
If you like hot babes with sexy accents in the most awesome bikinis, be sure to check this video out. Enjoy. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Sexy Girls in Bikini Video More AmaTuna
I had a really hard time choosing which picture of Irina Shayk I wanted to use as the top one, they’re all so damn hot I was losing my mind. So I printed them all out, covered my naked body in honey, through them up in the air and whichever one stuck to my crotch was the winner. I think it worked out pretty well. Seriously though, it doesn’t really matter which picture I chose, the woman is just too hot for words. She’s wearing a see through top and leggings with holes cut out of them. Come on! The selection process I used for this post is also how I decide how much tip to leave the waitress. more pictures of the Irina Shayk here
Some of you may not be old enough to remember just how hot Helena Christensen used to be, but apparently I am. I’m not exactly proud of it, but that’s life. Anyhow, here she is trying to turn back the clock with some pictures of her in workout gear….. It’s not exactly working. Honestly, I’ll take what I can get. Related Articles: Fergie Bikini Pictures Porn Stars Bowling In Their Bikinis!!! Pink Bikini Pictures Kim Kardashian Bikini Pictures Photos: Bauer-Griffin