Kate Hudson pulled off the fake-out see through shirt at the Golden Globes, because that’s just what she’s about, faking us all out…whether it’s pretending she’s hot, pretending she’s a celebrated actress thanks to her very important roles in shitty romantic comedy movies, that she only got because she was born into it…or most interestingly…that she’s such a hot fuck that she makes people like Owen Wilson try to kill himself after she dumps him thanks to rich, vain, vapid brats having no souls, or care for anyone by themselves and filling their holes…especially now that she can use that angle for some #metoo press. I don’t hate Kate Hudson, I just hate see through dress, that aren’t see through….and I guess on the positive side of things, because we need to keep things positive, she’s finally got tits…after years of being known as being a cute ass…she’s got tits..and I guess that’s the reason she’s exposing them like this…I mean that and the fact that she’s an attention seeking brat who wants the world to remember who Kate Hudson is, through feminism tactics like showing off tits cuz she can… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF WHORES AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES CLICK HERE The post Kate Hudson Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Kate Hudson Tits of the Day