Tag Archives: watching-black

Beyonce’s New Video of the Day

Beyonce is the fucking worst, but people fucking love her. She’s got the world brain washed because either white people like watching black people do better than her…or maybe she’s just managed to market herself and brainwash people into thinking she’s a leader or has substance and value…while anyone with a brain knows that she’s polluting us with her image and lies… But in trying to be higher concept, big purpose, real deal, someone with depth, instead of a vapid candy coated piled of bullshit, she’s brought in ZULU nation tribal people, ruling in the plantaction house….and Serena Williams thighs for some black power shit…where she says “suck on my balls”….because like I’ve been saying all along…Beyonce is for sure a drag queen…and she’s given us so many clues of that her ENTIRE career…from going as far as calling herself a queen…and having a dick… Can it be considered cultural appropriation when the bitch trying to connect with the people – is living the white man dream – as white as fuck as white can be….not because she’s rich…but because she’s unrelatable… Garbage, this isn’t political – it’s entertainment, video’s shot alright though…too bad it’s Beyonce…oh – this is the Becky with the Good hair song, now I get the reference and hype – 5,000,000 people have watched this…what the fuck… The post Beyonce’s New Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce’s New Video of the Day