Tag Archives: watching-two

Instagram Star Ashley Benson Does Flaunt Magazine

Here’s my new favorite actress-turned-Instagram model Ashley Benson with a pretty sexy new photoshoot for Flaunt Magazine . And I have to say, with a little tutoring from a lingerie shoot expert like yours truly, I really think Ashley could have a bright second career ahead of her, and I can’t wait to see more. Especially once she graduates to modeling hand bras.

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Instagram Star Ashley Benson Does Flaunt Magazine

Holly Holm Has Made Me Forget All About That DNB Ronda Rousey

I don’t pay a ton of attention to UFC, mostly because I don’t care about watching two sweaty dudes (or ladies who look like dudes) roll around, but even I know that Holly Holm here shocked everyone by knocking out Ronda Rousey . So even if she’s not hot either, Holly’s my hero for disposing of her. I have a feeling Ronda always wanted to be a DNB but wasn’t hot enough. So it looks like Holly did us all a favor. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Holly Holm Has Made Me Forget All About That DNB Ronda Rousey

Aubrey O’Day Thick for Twitter of the Day

I never really cared for Aubrey O’Day in the past…she was just some spoiled rich kid with an ego who annoyed me….cuz she thought she was great and hot and amazingly talented because she was on some Reality Show that didn’t matter….and because she had sex with Diddy…like so many girls before her….Sure she rode that wave of insignificance hard and long….flaunting her tits…getting fat for her fans who like their women thick….. I only started to legitimately hate her after seeing her on Celebrity Apprentice…in her attempt to next level herself from one shitty TV show to the next….where she was annoying….but more importantly fat. So now she’s continuing to ride that bullshit career and limited talent by pretending she has talent when she knows she doesnnt….but more importantly by pretending she has a hot body…when we know she doesn’t… What a cunt.

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Aubrey O’Day Thick for Twitter of the Day

Kelly Kelly Ass in Bikini for Twitter of the Day

Kelly Kelly is some wrestling babe with a hot fit body used to distract wrestling fans from the homo erotic….homo sexual….totally fucking flaming level of gayness that comes with watching two half naked guys playfight…seriously…I don’t think there is a gayer concept than that and if anything that is the basis of all great gay love stories…. She’s got a rockin’ ass, but more importantly she’s got amazing skills on the camera….I always have a hard time coaching girls on how to position themselve to send me awesome ass shots…but this bitch got it on lockdown….I feel like I’m hiding in the bushes staring on as I often do when I am around bikini clad women….

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Kelly Kelly Ass in Bikini for Twitter of the Day