Tag Archives: wealthy

The Verge: Imogen Poots

There’s a bit of cognitive dissonance that happens when you watch Imogen Poots in Solitary Man : she’s utterly convincing as a confident Manhattan teenager who sexually entangles herself with the boyfriend (Michael Douglas) of her wealthy mother (Mary-Louise Parker), but with a name like “Imogen Poots,” there’s no way she’s actually American. In fact, the 20-year-old Poots is British and, until now, best known for playing one of the young leads in 28 Weeks Later . That should change after the one-two-three punch Poots has coming in Solitary Man , the Cannes drama Chatroom , and the Cary Fukunaga-directed Jane Eyre , where she plays rival to Mia Wasikowska. As Solitary Man sees release this week, Poots called up Movieline to discuss the sitcom that helped her with an American accent, the perils of technology, and the pleasures of working twice opposite Michael Fassbender.

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The Verge: Imogen Poots

Teabaggers Mock Parkinson’s Victim

Because nothing says, “I'm a Christian” like yelling abuse at the sick. [ Ed Note : Not to state the blindingly obvious here, but Teabaggers make the Baby Jesus cry. 🙁 ] The Best Links: Daily Kos: SHOCKING: Teabaggers mock and scorn man w/ Parkinson’s! Wonkette : Nice Wealthy Ohio Teabagger Will Pay For Man’s Parkinson’s! (UGH) Supporters, opponents of health-care bill square off outside Kilroy’s office BuzzFeed: teabaggers Buzz Watch

The Top ‘Recession Porn’ Stories of 2009

Link: http://money.blogs.time.com/2009/12/2…

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The Top ‘Recession Porn’ Stories of 2009

Reid eyes tax hike on wealthy to pay for health bill

Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is considering a payroll tax hike on the wealthy to help pay for health care reform. The House passed a similar provision in its legislation, increasing the taxes of those who make $500,000 or more a year.

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Reid eyes tax hike on wealthy to pay for health bill