Tag Archives: weird-science

Weird Science Remake in the Works: 21 Jump Street Writer to Pen Script

Good news, John Hughes fans!  (alt: Bad news, John Hughes fans! ) Weird Science is joining the ranks of everything else you’ve ever loved: it’s getting a remake! Universal has hired Michael Bacall, who turned what could have been an awful adaptation of  21 Jump Street into a huge comedy hit. So there is some hope yet. The original film, released in 1985, starred Anthony Michael Hall, Kelly LeBrock, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, and Robert Downey, Jr. ( Iron Man 3 ). It centers on a pair of nerdy teens who create a real woman using their computer. The premise is a tad outdated and 80’s, seeing as how everyone has a computer nowadays and understands fully that they can’t zap a lady into existence. …Believe me, I’ve tried. But Bacall can surely find a fresh spin on this classic. Whether you’re excited or mortified by the idea of redoing John Hughes, the  Weird Science remake might actually be good.

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Weird Science Remake in the Works: 21 Jump Street Writer to Pen Script

REVIEW: Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In a Twisty, Sci-Fi Psychosexual Melodrama

The idea of building a person to spec — especially when that person is some form of ideal woman — is one that’s haunted the movies in variations from My Fair Lady to Vertigo to Bride of Frankenstein to Weird Science . It’s an echo of the constructing of a character that results in what you see on screen — a figure who’s the joint creation of an actor, director, writer, makeup artist, dialect coach, costume designer, ad infinitum. But it’s also a concept that provides a counter to the typical romance saga in which two people who are perfect for one other come together. Why search for your match when you can make one?

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REVIEW: Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In a Twisty, Sci-Fi Psychosexual Melodrama

Anthony Michael Hall Arrested

According to reports, Anthony Michael Hall has often been seen acting aggressive outside of his unit, cursing at people who happen to be walk by, flipping them off and even attempting to squirt people with a hose … for no apparent reason. Several neighbors complained to the housing association but no action had been taken against The Breakfast Club and Weird Science star. One person tells us, “I have considered buying a gun to stay safe from Hall … he#39;s the scariest person I#39;ve ever

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Anthony Michael Hall Arrested

The Saturdays at the Beach in Shitty Staged Pics of the Day

I guess this UK girl band of sluts who make shitty music is trying to make it in America, because America is the promised land of stupid money making for anyone in entertainment, and everyone knows the key to making it in America doesn’t happen with talent, or quality product, it comes with controverys, scandal and staged paparazzi pics…. First they start with the beach shots, the eating ice cream erotically, the cleavage and the bikinis, then they move onto panty flashes, and nipple slips, in some kind of weird science formula used to get famous…. eventually getting more and more desperate when they realize that a lot of other low level pussy is pulling the same stunts, resulting in the holy grail, the mystical sex tape that will launch them to instant fame, unless they are too old and boring like Shauna Sand and Kendra Wilkinson…. It’s an obvious system of survival of whoever wants it bad enough….but I’m only intrigued by this cuz I actually want to fuck these girls even though they are from the UK….and I guess I am posting this as a preview of what’s to come….cuz trust me….it’s coming…it always does….Hollywood is fucking predictible and boring!

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The Saturdays at the Beach in Shitty Staged Pics of the Day

Kelly LeBrock: In Her Own Words

Reminiscing about John Hughes, the Weird Science actress calls the director “an American treasure”

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Kelly LeBrock: In Her Own Words

POLL: Who Should Be the New Barbarella?

Which modern starlet would best fill Jane Fonda’s intergalactic space boots?

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POLL: Who Should Be the New Barbarella?