Tag Archives: marisa paredes

REVIEW: Not Just Your Average Remake, Footloose Has All the Right Moves

God save Craig Brewer’s Footloose , which is less a movie for today’s audiences than for yesterday’s — and I mean that in the good way. This is a pop entertainment made with an eye for detail: When our teen hero and the young woman he’s been wooing move in for their first kiss, the setting sun peeps out from behind their conjoined silhouettes. Corny, right? Get this: The rays beam out through a star filter. You can roll your eyes at the obviousness of it all, or you can marvel that a filmmaker cared to make a choice so traditional, so clichéd, that it becomes a kind of pop-culture mission statement. It’s as if Brewer is taking a stand for movies that look like movies instead of audience hipness barometers.

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REVIEW: Not Just Your Average Remake, Footloose Has All the Right Moves

Harry Potter Star Charged With Possession of Bomb

Jamie Waylett, the 22-year-old actor who played Crabbe the bully in the Harry Potter films, was arrested last month after stealing champagne from a U.K. drug store during the London riots while in possession of a gasoline bomb. After reviewing security footage, cops identified Waylett and arrested him on September 20, at which point authorities discovered 15 marijuana plants in his home. The actor has been charged with “violent disorder, having an article with intent to destroy or damage property, receiving stolen goods and also cultivating cannabis plants,” which makes that Twilight kid’s Four Loko incident seem like child’s play. [via TMZ ]

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Harry Potter Star Charged With Possession of Bomb

REVIEW: Gorgeous Doc Bombay Beach Seems Earnest But Raises Questions of Exploitation

Where does appreciation end and exploitation begin? Gorgeous and disquieting, the documentary Bombay Beach wobbles between the two like a beginner gymnast on her first attempt on the balance beam. On one side, it’s a poetic, freeform examination of the lives of a few of the residents of the area of the title, located by the Salton Sea in the Southern California desert. On the other, it’s an uncomfortable fetishization of the community’s outsider status, dictated by poverty, by location and by an inability or unwillingness to exist elsewhere. Israeli-born director Alma Har’el, who comes from a background of music videos and commercials, doesn’t just bask in this abundance of scenic, decaying Americana, she shapes it into choreographed dance interludes with the subjects, who twirl outside their mobile homes and don carnival masks to cavort in an outdoor gazebo. It’s a bit of whimsy as pretty and problematic as the film as a whole.

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REVIEW: Gorgeous Doc Bombay Beach Seems Earnest But Raises Questions of Exploitation

Patty Jenkins Confirmed to Direct Thor 2

Congrats are in order to Patty Jenkins, who was confirmed today as Marvel’s pick to helm their 2013 sequel, Thor 2 . Jenkins, who directed Charlize Theron to an Oscar in 2003’s Monster , her feature directorial debut, inherits the helm of the Thor comic book movie franchise from Kenneth Branagh. Full press release after the jump.

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Patty Jenkins Confirmed to Direct Thor 2

REVIEW: Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In a Twisty, Sci-Fi Psychosexual Melodrama

The idea of building a person to spec — especially when that person is some form of ideal woman — is one that’s haunted the movies in variations from My Fair Lady to Vertigo to Bride of Frankenstein to Weird Science . It’s an echo of the constructing of a character that results in what you see on screen — a figure who’s the joint creation of an actor, director, writer, makeup artist, dialect coach, costume designer, ad infinitum. But it’s also a concept that provides a counter to the typical romance saga in which two people who are perfect for one other come together. Why search for your match when you can make one?

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REVIEW: Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In a Twisty, Sci-Fi Psychosexual Melodrama