Tag Archives: well-the-secret

Doing God’s Work: Backpacker Arrested After Scaling White House, “I’m Here To See The President”

Man Arrested For Trespassing On White House Property Late Last Night He just wanted to see the President . What’s the big deal? CNN is reporting that a man wearing a backpack was arrested late last night after he scaled a White House fence en route to pay a visit to Donald. The tangerine chief was on the property at the time. When asked about he purpose for trespassing on White House property, the man told Secret Service: “No, I am a friend of the President. I have an appointment,” the suspect said when approached by an officer, according to a report released Saturday by the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department. Asked how he got there, the suspect told officers: “I jumped the fence.” Here’s how well the Secret Service does their job, this guy reportedly jumped the Treasury Building fence, but was not detected until he was seen by an agent who happened to be on the grounds. Now, here’s an ironic joke: The White House was placed under security condition “orange,” one of the highest levels of security for the Secret Service, an agency source said. LMFAO! All this guy wanted to do was “see” the President? Ya know? The same way some of us want to “see” George Zimmerman. Image via AP/Shutterstock

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Doing God’s Work: Backpacker Arrested After Scaling White House, “I’m Here To See The President”