Tag Archives: were-hoping

Sarah Hyland Double Fists

If I know my readers, I’m guessing this probably isn’t what you were hoping for when you read that headline. Sorry to disappoint you perverts. But on the plus side, at least  Sarah Hyland ‘s looking pretty sexy in these shots. Now I’ve just gotta find out what Starbucks she goes to. Here’s hoping I haven’t been banned from it for violating their no pants, no service policy yet. That really  Fingers crossed! » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Beyonce Set To Open Up About Her Life And Career In New Documentary

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Beyonce is very selective when sharing personal details about her life but if you want to know more, here’s some good news: Beyonce and her…

Beyonce Set To Open Up About Her Life And Career In New Documentary

Usher And Tameka Raymond Continue Their Bitter Custody Battle

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Many of us were hoping the grudges would be released and hearts would be softened in the case of the bitter custody battle between Usher…

Usher And Tameka Raymond Continue Their Bitter Custody Battle

Rihanna Flashes Her Lady Business

I’m sure these were not the kind of pictures you were hoping to see this morning, but when a mega star like Rihanna flashes her lady business on stage it’s my duty to report it. No matter how disturbing it may be, I took an oath. Alright, I didn’t take an oath, but you get what I’m saying. I get that she’s in some short shorts and fishnet stockings and gyrating around on stage doing her best to sing dance and look sexy, but this is not a good look for anyone. That being said, the shot of her on all fours with her ass in the air really works for me. Enjoy.

K-Fed Got Fat

Kevin Federline has been living the good life since his divorce from Britney Spears, as made evident by his gut and second chin. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Woody Harrelson’s Hairless Vagina

A candid moment of wrasslin' between Owen Wilson and Woody reveals one of the best kept secrets in Hollywood. Can you spot it?

Originally posted here:
Woody Harrelson’s Hairless Vagina

Matt Smith Is The New ‘Doctor Who!’

These are brand new shots from the set of the newest installment of Doctor Who , featuring new Doctor Matt Smith and his assistant played by Karen Gillan.