Tag Archives: lady-business

Audrina Patridge Hides All The Good Parts

I think that all these crappy celebrity blogs have ruined the art of the upskirt picture, all these chicks now know how to get out of a car without flashing their lady business all over the interweb. Who the hell wants that? Here’s Audrina Patridge hiding all the good parts from me in a short little dress the other night. Good for you princess, well done, you must be so proud that nobody got to see your vagina. At least show us your boobs. I guess I only have myself to blame… Stupid internet.

Karissa Shannon Pretends to Be Sad

Here’s Playboy model and soon to be sextape star Karissa Shannon pretending really really really hard to look so sad and distraught about somebody stealing a tape she made of herself banging some dude. I’m not buying it princess. This is the most publicity she’s gotten since her last business venture…. Posing naked for Playboy . If you don’t want people to see your lady business stop taking your damn clothes off. At least her body looks good. See you in the movies.

Lindsay Lohan’s Boobs Are Doing Fine

Now that Lindsay Lohan is out of the big house, she seems to be trying to get back to her normal life. Not the life we know in which she spends most of her days drinking, doing drugs, flashing her lady business, ruining her career and making out with dudes or women who may or may not be lesbians. I mean her life before that… Like when she was eleven. Whatever it is she’s doing, it seems to be working because she actually looks pretty good for a change. The system clearly works.

Rihanna’s Hot Futuristic Hooker Outfits

This isn’t the first time I’ve had concert pictures of Rihanna in her insane futuristic prostitute outfits, and probably wont’ be the last, but I like a hot chick in a weird get up grabbing her lady business so I’m posting them anyway. Besides, a hot piece of ass like Rihanna in a latex bathing suit and some thigh high latex boots is a pretty damn good way to start off the week if you ask me. Enjoy.

Jessica Simpson Isn’t Doing Anything Exciting

Here’s Jessica Simpson hitting the town last night in a nice pair of jeans. That’s it, no nipples, no lady business… Nothing. What the hell am I supposed to write about this crap? I think she’s pretty and her hair looks nice? That’s just lame. Ok I’ve got it, she’s wearing a New Kids On The Block t-shirt, I’d like to be the new kid on her block and by block I mean vagina……. I’m dying over here.

Rihanna Flashes Her Lady Business

I’m sure these were not the kind of pictures you were hoping to see this morning, but when a mega star like Rihanna flashes her lady business on stage it’s my duty to report it. No matter how disturbing it may be, I took an oath. Alright, I didn’t take an oath, but you get what I’m saying. I get that she’s in some short shorts and fishnet stockings and gyrating around on stage doing her best to sing dance and look sexy, but this is not a good look for anyone. That being said, the shot of her on all fours with her ass in the air really works for me. Enjoy.