Harry’s headband, though unconventional, really works for us. By Emilee Lindner
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One Direction’s Most Questionable Fashion Of 2013: From Turtlenecks To Naked Ankles
Harry’s headband, though unconventional, really works for us. By Emilee Lindner
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One Direction’s Most Questionable Fashion Of 2013: From Turtlenecks To Naked Ankles
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged access, celeb news, developers, discontinue, experiences, live, Music, product, really-works, stars, term, tumblr, update
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If you are one of the million Star Wars fanatics who spent all your money playing the Star Wars arcade game by Atari, you’ll want to continue reading this article. If you can remember the game, it was awesome and if I could I would have it in my room. An arcade fan with the handle Le Chuck (for obvious reasons) has found a way to miniaturize the arcade cabinet and set up a working version of the game… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : übergizmo Discovery Date : 26/04/2012 06:23 Number of articles : 2
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged arcade, arcade-cabinet, article, chuck, detected, donya-fortress, Game, handle, maps-coming, Money, new-gameplay, really-works
I’m sure these were not the kind of pictures you were hoping to see this morning, but when a mega star like Rihanna flashes her lady business on stage it’s my duty to report it. No matter how disturbing it may be, I took an oath. Alright, I didn’t take an oath, but you get what I’m saying. I get that she’s in some short shorts and fishnet stockings and gyrating around on stage doing her best to sing dance and look sexy, but this is not a good look for anyone. That being said, the shot of her on all fours with her ass in the air really works for me. Enjoy.
“A controversial British antigravity device is to be investigated by the government's National Space Centre, according to reports. If the technology really works, it would be able to counteract the force of gravity using only electrical power, permitting the easy building of Jetsons-style flying cars or hoverships and hugely simplifying space travel.” http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/10/29/emdrive_antigrav_bnsc/ I am not sure if this invention has a potential to deplete our natural resources but I love its fantastic potential and the general direction towards an innovative sci-fi future. added by: lookatmypix 6 comments
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British Space Agency to probe ‘crackpot’ antigravity device
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged after-seeding, beijing, british, current, easy-building, force, Hollywood, injecting-special, invention, jetsons-style, national-space, really-works, the-technology
This is like a scene out of that movie Pretty Woman, not becauase Lohan’s lookin’ pretty, but because she’s lookin like a streetwalker who has landed a John dumb enough to give her his credit card to hit up the highend boutiques and buy herself something that makes her look presentable for all his upper class lawyer friends.
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Lindsay Lohan Takes Her New Face Shopping of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged besides-getting, boutique, guess-the-only, halloween, Katie Price, Lindsay Lohan, made-the-best, monkey, not-becauase, really-works, shaved, shopping, the-expensive, weak-leukemia, women
When the person working at the amusment park told Katie Price she should wait in line to ride a log, she jumped at the opportunity cuz riding wood is pretty much her favorite pass time besides getting ridiculous fake tits. When she realized it wasn’t that kind of ride, and not what she originally had in mind, she made the best of it by getting her new lover to rock her backend
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Katie Price Riding a Log of the Day