Tag Archives: were-invited

Wow! Uncle Luke Was So Freaked Out By A Wild Donald Trump Party That He Had To Leave

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It takes a lot to freak Uncle Luke out, but the legendary rapper found his limit. The hip hop icon revealed on Kevin Klein Live that he attended one of Donald Trump‘s parties once, and decided to leave because the indecency level was too high. He said, “Me, Mike Tyson and Eddie Murphy, we were invited to [Trump’s] […]

Wow! Uncle Luke Was So Freaked Out By A Wild Donald Trump Party That He Had To Leave

Anne Hathaway in Tight Pants of the Day

I snuck into a movie a few weeks ago because I like Anne Hathaway’s tits and hate Jake Gyllenhaal cuz he beats up girls I know and cries like a little bitch in some of the mose embarrassing gay shit I’ve ever witnessed from some pussy who claims he’s a man but was clearly a bitch… So seeing someone I can’t stand, who annoys me and makes me want to murder touch tits I want to play with is just the kind of punishment I need to keep me going… I figure why give yourself things you want or like when torture is far more exhilerating….I don’t deserve it. Here she is in leggings… Here she is in jeans….

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Anne Hathaway in Tight Pants of the Day

Some Bitches at Some Award Show I Wasn’t Invited To of the Day

The Elle Style Awards were last night and I wasn’t invited. I know. I am so offended. You’d think I’d be the first on that guest list. I don’t know what went wrong, but think you should all send Elle emails demanding my presence at the next one…mainly cuz these sweat pants in all their two sizes too small glory are fucking Fashion…. Here are a handful of bitches who were invited…cuz clearly they are more important than me, cuz not only are they on TV and in the tabloids, rich and famous but mainly cuz they have vaginas….and vagina is all it takes.. Cheryl Cole could be shitting and I’d still wanna lick her asshole…. Emma Watson cuz You’re All Nerds and Appreciate this Shit Geri Halliwell cuz her Dress Is 50% see thru, just the wrong 50% Blake Lively Making Her Squinty Eyed Faces to Hide her Horrible Aging….

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Some Bitches at Some Award Show I Wasn’t Invited To of the Day

Touring Renault’s Flagship Green Car Factory

Image by B. Alter Renault’s factory, Maubeuge Construction Automobile , is its flagship, state of the art environmental workplace. Located in Maubeuge, northern France, since 1978, all the Kangoo vans are made there, as will the new electric Kangoo Be Bop Z.E. in 2011. The factory is usually not open to the public for obvious reasons of confidentiality, but a group of green bloggers and journalists were invited to learn about and see for themselves the many and all encompassing environmental measures that have been introduced. No photo’s allowed, u… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Touring Renault’s Flagship Green Car Factory

Heene Kids Hid in Boxes Before

Filed under: Balloon Boy Falcon Heene wasn’t the first Heene boy to hide in a box — one of the other boys sought refuge in a box house during a kids show Richard produced called “Box Time.”The show was made by Richard in 2003 and was billed as a “family video encompassing … Permalink

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Heene Kids Hid in Boxes Before

Katherine Jackson — Total Sucker for ‘DWTS’

Filed under: TV , Michael Jackson , Dancing with the Stars , Exclusives Katherine Jackson made a front row appearance on “Dancing with the Stars” on Tuesday night — and we’re told she had such a great time … that she’s going back for more.Katherine, Jermaine, and La Toya were invited to attend Tuesday’s show for a … Permalink

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Katherine Jackson — Total Sucker for ‘DWTS’