Over the years, the Internet has been filled with hilarious videos of people who got their wisdom teeth removed… fell into a drug-induced haze… and then said some pretty crazy $hit. Like the girl who believed she was Kylie Jenner . Or the girl who REALLY wished she had bigger boobs . But the following story is a first. It’s the first time in memory that a young woman has undergone this procedure and then reacted to it by jeopardizing her college career. Her name is Abby Jo Hamele and she attends the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. When she is NOT under the spell of hydrocodone, this 19-year old is happy and bubbly and relatively sane, as you can see in her Twitter profile photo above. But after getting her wisdom teeth yanked out and then getting all drugged up, she looked like this: She also believed that her very much alive pug is her dead dog Sammy . But that wasn’t all. Clearly a responsible student, Abby realized that she’d be unable to turn in a class paper on time as a result of her condition. Not in her proper state of mind, she nevertheless took the time to email her professor and explain the situation, giving us one of the most memorable social media messages of 2016 in the process. “I EMAILED MY PHILOSOPHY TA WHILE I WAS HIGH ON HYDROCODON I’M DEAD,” Abby wrote as an introduction and explanation for a Tweet that has gone viral. “I unfortmately got my wisdom teeth sliced outr and have not not been reacting very well to the surgeryy nor the medicatioon i were given/ so I do not thimk that I will be able to habe my paper finisherd by Tuesday at all,” opens the email. We really should just publish the entire thing right here, shouldn’t we? How else could we do it justice? Is tehere any way I would be able to send you my paper at any later date??? I wnt to do very good on this paper you know becayse i like to do well in my classes. please sir I workled very hard and thouught that I would be abel to finish it on timme but my doctor said I will most likelly not be normal again until at least Thanksginvg turkey. If you say no then that is okay but i would be sad and i would reallyyyy lik e it if you said yes. Thank you Kevin, my dude. Abby Jo Hamele (pronounced hah-mil-lee) (if you were wondering) P.S. I will answer youpr questions in class forever so theere are not any more awkard silence. and i will buy you expo markers that work (even thougjh our tuition should pay for markers that work) love you bye The teacher’s assistant actually went ahead and wrote Abby back, which is amazing. He’s clearly an astute fellow. Someone give this man a promotion! And someone give Abby a high-five and maybe also a strong drink. We’re guessing she could use it right about now.
More here:
Student Gets Wisdom Teeth Pulled, Emails THIS to Professor