Tag Archives: workers-golf

This Is America: Woman Files Lawsuit Against NYPD Claiming They Forced Her To Give Birth While Handcuffed To Bed

Source: VW Pics / Getty Bronx Woman Claims NYPD Wouldn’t Un-Handcuff Her While She Was Giving Birth According to the NY Post , a lawsuit is claiming the NYPD forced a woman to give birth while shackled in handcuffs. The Bronx woman(identified as Jane Doe) claims she went into labor while being detained in a police holding cell. She says police reportedly took her to Montefiore Medical Center where the incident occurred. They allegedly handcuffed her wrists to the bed and shackled her ankles. The lawsuit details doctors warning the officers the “constraints were illegal under state law”. The woman says the experience “humiliated and traumatized her”. The woman is seeking an unspecified amount for damages for violation of her civil rights and demands immediate changes to police department policy.  

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This Is America: Woman Files Lawsuit Against NYPD Claiming They Forced Her To Give Birth While Handcuffed To Bed

What’s The Truth, Donnie? Trump Reportedly Hired Undocumented Workers At Golf Clubs While Pushing Stricter Immigration Laws

Source: SAUL LOEB / Getty Trump Reportedly Hired Undocumented Workers Golf Clubs While Pushing Tougher Immigration Laws The math isn’t adding up, Donnie. Over the past couple days multiple immigrant women who worked at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey have come forward claiming that they were undocumented at the time of employment and that Trump and his golf course management knew it. In a bombshell interview from the NY Times , an undocumented Guatemalan woman named Victorina Morales claimed that she has worked without legal status as a housekeeper at the club for the past five years, which has empowered many other workers like her to speak up and tell their story as well. One of the women goes as far as to say that she was allowed to submit fraudulent documents by the employee who interviewed her for the job. Ms. Morales said she has been hurt by Mr. Trump’s public comments since he became president, including equating Latin American immigrants with “violent criminals”. This coupled with abusive comments from a supervisor at work about her intelligence and immigration status, made her feel that she could no longer keep silent.

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What’s The Truth, Donnie? Trump Reportedly Hired Undocumented Workers At Golf Clubs While Pushing Stricter Immigration Laws