Tag Archives: worth-wanting

Jojo Weird Twitter Pic for the Weirdos of the Day

I didn’t care about Jojo Levesque when she was a 15 year old little gutter troll trying to be hip hop….flat chested and fat assed…that a lot of people were convinced was hot and worth wanting to fuck….probably cuz she was 15….even though I knew that looking like that at 15 was a horrible preview of what was to come…cuz I’m a genius like that….I see the obvious things that guys with erections don’t see…cuz they just believe whatever is marketed to them and shoved down their useless throats…. She disappeared for close to a decade, was getting railed by black dudes, keeping her image hip hop…and now she’s back, posting pics of her in work out gear on Twitter, when really she should be posting videos of her getting fucked on A PORN SITE …. I don’t know why I’m posting this, but in my defense I don’t know why I post 99 percent of the shit I post…. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

Go here to see the original:
Jojo Weird Twitter Pic for the Weirdos of the Day

Lindsay Lohan and Her Lesbian Thigh Highs of the Day

More lesbian Lohan, only this time in thigh highs, she was my first post today, what’s with this sudden obsession with her, I mean it’s not like I haven’t spent the last 5 years documented her every fucking move, at least her every move when it comes to being half naked and worth wanting to fuck, pretty much 5 years where I haven’t been living my own fucking life or making my on fucking moves, or at least moves where I am half named and worth wanting to fuck, good thing I have pretty much no ambition, drive or energy to get off this shit stained, urine soaked couch….consider yourself lucky to have me to distract you from your boring life with useless thoughts from my boring life…. Pics Via INF

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Lindsay Lohan and Her Lesbian Thigh Highs of the Day