Tag Archives: accumulation

You Get It From Ya Mama: New Study Shows That The Way A Person Ages Is Largely Determined By Mother’s DNA

No wonder african-american mother’s are so fond of saying “black don’t crack” Via ScienceDaily There are many causes of aging that are determined by an accumulation of various kinds of changes that impair the function of bodily organs. Of particular importance in aging, however, seems to be the changes that occur in the cell’s power plant — the mitochondrion. This structure is located in the cell and generates most of the cell’s supply of ATP which is used as a source of chemical energy. “The mitochondria contains their own DNA, which changes more than the DNA in the nucleus, and this has a significant impact on the aging process,” said Nils-Göran Larsson, Ph.D., professor at the Karolinska Institutet and principal investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging, and leader of the current study alongside Lars Olson, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet. “Many mutations in the mitochondria gradually dis-able the cell’s energy production,” said Larsson. For the first time, the researchers have shown that the aging process is influenced not only by the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage during a person’s lifetime, but also by the inherited DNA from their mothers. “Surprisingly, we also show that our mother’s mitochondrial DNA seems to influence our own aging,” said Larsson. “If we inherit mDNA with mutations from our mother, we age more quickly.” Normal and damaged DNA is passed down between generations. However, the question of whether it is possible to affect the degree of mDNA damage through lifestyle intervention is yet to be investigated. All that the researchers know now is that mild DNA damage transferred from the mother contributes to the aging process. “The study also shows that low levels of mutated mDNA can have developmental effects and cause deformities of the brain,” said lead author Jaime Ross, Ph.D., at the Karolinska Institutet. “Our findings can shed more light on the aging process and prove that the mitochondria play a key part in aging; they also show that it’s important to reduce the number of mutations,” said Larsson. Hopefully this little fact bodes well for Wiz and Amber’s baby , as well is little Blue Ivy . God knows they don’t want to age like their daddies… Image via Shutterstock Continue reading

Brushing Teeth Prevents Heart Disease

We would like to share an interesting article by Trixie Webb of Gwabble about Brushing Teeth . A research suggests that people who fail to brush their teeth twice a day are putting themselves at risk of heart disease. It is acknowledge that the inflammation in the body even in the mouth and gums has a significant role in the accumulation of clogged arteries that can lead to a heart disease. However, this is the first time that researchers have looked at if the frequency of teeth brushing has any contributing factor on the risk of developing heart disease. The Scottish study which involves 11,000 adults backs previous research relating gum disease with heart problems. A charity also added that oral hygiene was one factor in good heart health. Over the eight year study that has been conducted, there were 555 cardiovascular events like heart attacks and 170 of which were fatal. Research discovered that those with worst oral hygiene had a 70% increased chance of having the condition as compared with those who brush their teeth twice a day. People with poor oral hygiene were also tested positive in blood samples for proteins which are suggestive of inflammation. According to senior cardiac nurse Judy O’Sullivan who works at British Heart Foundation, if you don’t brush your teeth, your mouth can become infected with bacteria that will cause an inflammation. Good personal hygiene is a basic element of a healthy lifestyle. Brushing Teeth Prevents Heart Disease is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Did Mona Lisa Suffer From High Cholesterol?

Link: http://www.time.com/time/world/articl… A Sicilian anatomy professor claims Mona Lisa's mysterious expression is due to “xanthelasma, the accumulation of cholesterol just under the skin.” Better or worse than Constipation Face?

Read more:
Did Mona Lisa Suffer From High Cholesterol?

Goldman Agonistes

The New York Times has identified the source of Goldman Sach’s image troubles—it used to be a hip bank, one that really cared about the banking , you know? Now all they care about is money.

Go here to see the original:
Goldman Agonistes