Tag Archives: actual-work

Jess Impiazzi’s Impressive Side Boob

In case anybody out there is still wondering why I do so many posts on hot wannabes all the time, this sideboob from  Jess Impiazzi ought to speak for itself. Because see, the great thing about busty reality stars and hot nobodies like Jess is that since they never have any actual work to do, they can just show up to parties and dinners and premieres looking hot 24/7 instead. Enjoy. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Izabel Goulart Behind the Scenes Photoshoot for Instagram of the Day

Loading It's time to work!! Shooting at this gorgeous Brazilian weather!! É hora de trabalhar!! Fotografando neste clima que só o Brasil tem!! Dream team @renatacorrea @nheiniger @silviogiorgio #brasil #itacare #atwork #magical #ocean #sun #bluesky View on Instagram Here’s a little behind the scenes footage of Izabel Goulart hard at work. To put things in perspective – she probably doesn’t get out of bed for anything over 30,000 dollars a day, and most likely in the 100,000 dollar range and this is all she has to do. Sure, she has to maintain her figure, build her brand and make people want to work with her. But in terms of actual work, this is what she does. Shows up on set, sits while hair and make-up is done, eats the craft servives foods – and this…100,000 dollars for 5 hours of this… Amazing.

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Izabel Goulart Behind the Scenes Photoshoot for Instagram of the Day

First Image of Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses Gets Ugly

Before heading off to fantasyland to star in that imaginary production of the Ozzy Osbourne biopic , Colin Farrell has some actual work to do: Like film Horrible Bosses ! As one of the titular horrors, the former troublemaker is part of an overwhelmingly large cast — the likes of which haven’t been seen since, well, Margin Call . Though if the first image of Farrell on the set is any indication, he’s going to be the one boss you remember. Unless, of course, Jennifer Aniston’s boss lady grows a second head or something. Click ahead to witness the horror.

First Image of Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses Gets Ugly