Tag Archives: after-it-aired

Amy Schumer Claims to Love the Kardashians

Not everyone was amused by Amy Schumer as host of Saturday Night Live last weekend. The comedian opened the show with a monologue that took aim at the Kardashians, at one point telling viewers at home and in the audience: “We used to have Khloé. Khloé was ours, right? Whenever there’s a group of women, you identify with one of them, right? “Khloé, she lost half her body weight. She lost a Kendall, and we have nothing.” While the joke seems relatively harmless, and while Khloe herself has taken public pride in her weight loss, some have accused Schumer of body-shaming the star. Kardashian herself certainly seemed to take exception to the quip, writing on Twitter a day after it aired: “No need 2 tear down others just 2 make urself feel bigger. It actually makes u quite small. I’m on a healthy journey. I don’t care 4the hate.” So… with the ball back in Schumer’s court, the Trainwreck star made no secret on Instagram today that she was addressing Khloe and all the Kardashians, penning in response: “Nothing but love for that family. I like idea of sending women the message to be happy in their own skin. #peace.” Did anyone else notice that? A semi-apology, but also a semi-slam? After all, Schumer is right. The message should be for everyone to be happy in their own skin, shouldn’t it? So then why are Khloe and her sisters telling fans to go waist train in order to lose weight? View Slideshow: 13 Reasons Why We Adore Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer Claims to Love the Kardashians

Couple’s Breakup Song Announces Split to Friends, Begs Them to Still Hang Out

A Brooklyn couple broke up in unique, musical fashion this week. Posted online late Wednesday, the couple’s breakup song announced the split to friends, punctuating a five-year relationship on a bittersweet, catchy note. We’ve Got To Break Up – Couple’s Song Announces Split Jonathan Mann, 30, and now-ex-girlfriend Ivory King, 31, thought the music video, entitled, “We’ve Got To Break Up”, would be the easiest way to break the news. The basic reason their once-happy coupledom broke down? “I want kids and she doesn’t,” Mann told the N.Y. Daily News . “I didn’t want to make a post on Facebook and have that be it. I didn’t want to have to explain it over and over to people, because that can be really painful.” “I hoped it would feel cathartic to make this together, as sort of our final act,” he added, however, “When it comes down to it, there’s no way to feel anything but sad.” Heartbreak aside, reaction to the song has been amazing. “We’ve been together for so long that we have so many mutual friends, and it was a big thing to sort of split that up,” Mann said. “But people are being super supportive.” “They’re happy that we made this and that it’s amicable.” Even more incredibly, it was just another addition to Mann’s “Song a Day” project; For more than 14,00 consecutive days, he’s posted a new song on his YouTube page .

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Couple’s Breakup Song Announces Split to Friends, Begs Them to Still Hang Out

George Zimmerman 911 Call Editing Leads to Lawsuit Against NBC

George Zimmerman has filed a lawsuit against NBC over the way the network edited and played a 911 call following the shooting of Trayvon Martin in February. Zimmerman claims NBC made him look like a “hostile racist.” Trayvon Martin 911 Call NBC launched an internal investigation over the Trayvon Martin 911 call after it aired the recording, which featured Zimmerman quotes outside of their original context. The tape played on the air made it sound like Zimmerman immediately told police that Martin, who he says he shot in self-defense, was black, without being prompted. In actuality, the full George Zimmerman 911 call reveals he only said Martin “looks black” when responding to a question from the dispatcher about Trayvon’s race. Zimmerman, who has been charged with second-degree murder , accuses NBC of creating a “false and defamatory misimpression using the oldest form of yellow journalism.” He cites the recording above as proof of this allegation. NBC, his lawyer says, ” manipulated Zimmerman’s words , splicing together disparate parts of the recording to create the illusion of statements that he never actually made.” Whether a judge and/or jury agree remains to be seen. Free on bail and using autograph sales to raise cash, the 28-year-old suing for unspecified damages, citing defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch coordinator for his gated community in Sanford, Florida, fatally shot the 17-year-old Martin on February 26. He has claimed the shooting was in self-defense. His supporters have long held that he is a victim of media bias in the case that became a sensational national obsession, and should be exonerated.

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George Zimmerman 911 Call Editing Leads to Lawsuit Against NBC

Chris Medina Explains Why He Told Fiancee’s Story On ‘American Idol’

‘I’m glad I did it, because the day after it aired, wonderful things started happening,’ he tells MTV News. By James Montgomery, with reporting by Jim Cantiello Chris Medina Photo: MTV News Last week, when Chris Medina was sent packing on “American Idol,” it was a shock to pretty much everyone — except, oddly enough, Medina himself. “I gave it my all, but, I mean, I’m in a room with 40 phenomenal singers. They all have earned their right to be there. And though I had faith in my talents, just being in that situation, you gotta have consistent, solid performances all the time, and the people there did that,” he told MTV News on Monday. “I think I had a really good first audition, a good audition in Vegas and a good audition in my last one — I sang for my life — but there were times in the middle where I was just pretty OK. And I’m not one of those people who’s delusional. I left it all on the line. … Some people had seven solid performances; I had three or four.” If that reaction seems a little strange coming from a former “Idol” contender, well, it’s probably because Medina is far from your average pop-star wannabe. Even in the face of overwhelming success, he’s remained grounded, thanks in no small part to his fianc

Chris Medina Explains Why He Told Fiancee’s Story On ‘American Idol’

‘I’m glad I did it, because the day after it aired, wonderful things started happening,’ he tells MTV News. By James Montgomery, with reporting by Jim Cantiello Chris Medina Photo: MTV News Last week, when Chris Medina was sent packing on “American Idol,” it was a shock to pretty much everyone — except, oddly enough, Medina himself. “I gave it my all, but, I mean, I’m in a room with 40 phenomenal singers. They all have earned their right to be there. And though I had faith in my talents, just being in that situation, you gotta have consistent, solid performances all the time, and the people there did that,” he told MTV News on Monday. “I think I had a really good first audition, a good audition in Vegas and a good audition in my last one — I sang for my life — but there were times in the middle where I was just pretty OK. And I’m not one of those people who’s delusional. I left it all on the line. … Some people had seven solid performances; I had three or four.” If that reaction seems a little strange coming from a former “Idol” contender, well, it’s probably because Medina is far from your average pop-star wannabe. Even in the face of overwhelming success, he’s remained grounded, thanks in no small part to his fianc

The Trailer for Sundance-Beloved Submarine: Rushmore with a Hat Phase

For a certain sect of Internet dwellers, the name Richard Ayoade means something major. Or at least major enough that when Community creator Dan Harmon recently posted on his Twitter page that the British comedian/actor/director would get behind the camera for an upcoming episode, at least one or two people in your circle of friends probably started hyperventilating at the thought. Well, before sending those friends this trailer for Ayoade’s directorial debut Submarine , you might want to suggest they pick up a paper bag.

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The Trailer for Sundance-Beloved Submarine: Rushmore with a Hat Phase

VIDEO: Kid from Adorable Darth Vader Volkswagen Commercial Also Adorable

For the record, Movieline HQ was buzzing about the Darth Vader Volkswagen commercial days before it aired on the Super Bowl. OK, so was the rest of the Internet, but, still! It was easily the best ad of the night — sorry, Eminem and Timothy Hutton! — and had the Super Bowl party I attended coursing with delight after it aired. One surprising question did arise, however: Was that an actual child underneath the Darth Vader helmet, or a little person? As one friend theorized, the hand gestures and acting seemed too good to simply belong to a precocious six-year-old. Except for the fact that apparently they did.

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VIDEO: Kid from Adorable Darth Vader Volkswagen Commercial Also Adorable