Tag Archives: after-overdose

Demi Lovato: What Does Her Sister Have to Say?

We have a new update on Demi Lovato. While promoting her new movie Subject 16 on Sunday, Lovato’s sister, Madison De La Garza, spoke to Millennial Hollywood host Dakota T. Jones about the state of her famous sibling, who has been in a rehab facility since late July. Right before entry, of course, Lovato nearly died from a drug overdose . “She’s working really hard on her sobriety and we’re all so incredibly proud of her,” De La Garza said of Demi, adding: “It’s been crazy for our family. It’s been a lot.” We really can’t begin to imagine. Just a couple weeks ago, however, Lovato’s mother tried to help us understand what this has all been like, opening up herself for the first time since she nearly lost her daughter. “I literally start to shake a little bit when I start to remember what happened that day,” admitted Dianna De La Garza. She added in this interview that Demi was in “bad shape” when she first saw the artist in the hospital and “we just didn’t know for two days if she was going to make it or not.” Lovato, as fans likely know, was sober for six years. She confessed in a song this past spring that she recently fell off the wagon and begged for followers to forgive her for this mistake. Naturally, supporters then came out in loud troves and relayed their love for Lovato over all forms of social media. On the morning of July 24, however, Lovato came home after a night partying with friends and sent a text message to her drug dealer. He’s even  talked openly about this exchange and arrangement . We still don’t know what substance(s) Lovato took that morning, but it’s been confirmed at this point that she was discovered unconscious in her bed several hours later by an assistant. The assistant proceeded to call 911. Demi was revived by paramedics… rushed to the hospital… and eventually moved to a treatment center. We’ve heard that this center is located in Utah, but we cannot say that for certain. Throughout this entire ordeal, we’ve been keeping Lovato in our thoughts and prayers. “We’ve been through a lot together, and every single time- I mean if you read my mom’s book, you would know – every time we go through something, we always come out on the other side a hundred times stronger than before,” Demi’s 16-year-old sister added. “So, we’ve just been so thankful for everything – for the little things.” Well said, Madison. About two weeks after her overdose, this is what Lovato wrote on Instagram: I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet. I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side. View Slideshow: Demi Lovato: Stars Shower Her With Love After Overdose

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Demi Lovato: What Does Her Sister Have to Say?

PewDiePie Apologizes for Offensive Demi Lovato Meme

PewDiePie has issued a mea culpa for being a misguided, insensitive, offensive moron. Three days after Demi Lovato was hospitalized for a drug overdose, the YouTube star thought it would be funny to make fun of the singer and her situation. How could it not be, right? This is a young woman who has batted self-esteem issues and mental health issues for years… who had admitted to having suicidal thoughts at the age of seven… and who nearly died after a night of hard and dangerous partying this week. Talk about prime material for a joke, right?!? Yes, according to PewDiePie. Shortly after news broke about Lovato’s overdose, PewDiePie (what kind of name is PewDiePie?!?) shared a meme online that depicted the trouble artist asking her mother for money in order to buy a burger. After receiving the money, however, Lovato turns around and buys heroin instead. Here is the since-deleted image: A couple of quick thoughts come to mind: FIRST, this simply isn’t funny. Like, at all. If you’re going to go out on an offensive limb to crack a joke, you better make sure it’s a funny joke. This is just dumb and non-sensical. (Why would Lovato need to borrow cash from her mother? The whole thing makes no sense.) SECOND, what the heck is wrong with you, PewDiePie?!? We weren’t the only ones asking this question, as the YouTuber was forced to take down his stupid meme and then issue a statement in the wake of severe backlash. “Deleted meme,” he wrote to start his apology, which concluded as follows: “I didnt mean anything with it and I didnt fully know about the situation. I realize now it was insensitive, sorry!” Please, dude. You knew that Lovato overdosed on heroin (it has since been reported that the substance actually was NOT heroin) and you went ahead and posted that meme. What misinterpretation about the situation are you claiming here? Lovato, tragically, was found unconscious by her assistant around 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning. This assistant then dialed 911 (listen to the call HERE ) and paramedics revived the star prior to taking her to the hospital. It is believed that Demi will soon head to a treatment facility somewhere far away from Los Angeles, but this has not yet been confirmed by the singer or anyone close to her. It is simply what various anonymous insiders have reported. In the meantime, practically everyone in Hollywood has sent his or her best wishes, as an entire industry worries about a young woman who has been so open over the years about her substance abuse issues. We are all just praying she gets better. And hoping she knows how many folks out there love her. View Slideshow: Demi Lovato: Stars Shower Her With Love After Overdose

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PewDiePie Apologizes for Offensive Demi Lovato Meme