Tag Archives: allegedly-said

Yuck On Yuck! West VA Man Used Syringe To Squirt His Man-Milk At Walmart Shoppers

Man Used Syringe To Squirt His Man-Milk At Walmart Shoppers A West Virginia man has been busted squirting his jizz at random women at an Ohio Walmart. Timothy Blake, the syringe squirting man, was charged with pandering obscenity, sexual imposition and two counts of menace by stalking reports CBS News . The 26-year-old at first allegedly told police he had thrown egg yolks at the women, but when an officer told him they had tested the material, he allegedly admitted it was semen. He then said he had used syringes to spray egg, spit or semen on women on a dozen occasions, according to the affidavit. Blake allegedly said that before each incident, he masturbated into the syringe either in his vehicle or in the Walmart bathroom. He allegedly said he aimed for the buttocks of his victims. In the case of the victim on Nov. 2, Blake allegedly said he targeted her because he believed “she displayed exhibitionist characteristics and wanted to be noticed,” according to the affidavit. YUCK ON YUCK ON YUCK!!!!!

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Yuck On Yuck! West VA Man Used Syringe To Squirt His Man-Milk At Walmart Shoppers

Epitome Of A Bad Mother: Psycho NY Mom Throws “Possessed” 1-Month Old Infant From 4th Floor Window

NY Mother Kills 1-Month Old Baby By Throwing Him From Fourth Story Window Sounds like the mother was the real demon… Via NBCNewYork The mother accused of fatally throwing her baby from a fourth-floor window in Queens on Friday allegedly told detectives she killed the infant boy because an “evil spirit” had taken over the child, court documents say. Rashida Chowdhury, 21, is charged with second-degree murder in the death of 1-month-old Rizwan Ahmad, whose lifeless body was found with severe trauma on the ground outside his apartment building in Richmond Hill Friday. The infant was pronounced dead shortly after he was found. Medical examiners said the baby boy fractured his skull in the 42-foot fall and had lacerations to his brain, liver and spleen. According to a criminal complaint, Chowdhury confessed to throwing the baby out of her bathroom window. She allegedly said the child had been sick recently and she threw him out of the window because she was “stopping the pain.” She also allegedly told police she thought the baby was possessed by spirits. Under the jail. Please and thank you. Image via Shutterstock

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Epitome Of A Bad Mother: Psycho NY Mom Throws “Possessed” 1-Month Old Infant From 4th Floor Window

Amanda Bynes Involved in Hit-and-Run … Again!

Amanda Bynes was involved in another hit and run in Hollywood this weekend, but at least she apparently hit some random guy and not a cop. A man claims he was sideswiped by a Range Rover trying to pass him on the right in L.A., and when the SUV didn’t stop, he called the police. He also began to follow the SUV himself, and when he finally caught up to the Range Rover, sources say the driver was none other than Bynes. The star told police she had no idea she had struck another vehicle, which is plausible, as police say damage to her car was quite minimal. Law enforcement sources tell us Amanda was very cooperative with police and that they had her exchange information with the other driver. She was not given a citation for the incident and cops will not be investigating the case any further … beyond the usual insurance rigamarole. Bynes was arrested for DUI last month after she clipped a police car, and has basically continued crashing and partying in the 2-3 weeks since. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Amanda Bynes Involved in Hit-and-Run … Again!

Tameka Foster to Usher: I Will F–k You Up!

Tameka Foster denies threatening to kill ex-husband Usher … but she did make several comments that she can understand being taken that way. Usher and Tameka are in a legal fight over custody of their two young kids, a bitter showdown that played out in a Georgia courtroom this week. Accused of making death threats toward her ex, Foster did admit under oath to saying “I will f**k you up” … which one can interpret as a threat. Tameka was questioned by Usher’s attorney about her verbal and abusive threats towards the singer, whom she wed in 2007 and divorced in 2009. She allegedly said “I will kill you both,” referring to Usher and his current GF. Foster went back and forth with her answer before making a half-admission, saying she didn’t threaten to “kill” him … but admitting, “I probably have said, out of anger, say ‘I will f**k you up’ and that is not acceptable.” Tameka Foster went on to explain that the menacing statement(s) happened as a result of Usher gallivanting in and out of town with his new girlfriend, behavior that was “embarrassing” for her in such a tight knit community. More importantly … anyone know who this new girlfriend of Usher is? [Photo: WENN.com]

Tameka Foster to Usher: I Will F–k You Up!

Cops Called To Nicki Minaj’s House After Altercation With Maid

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The cops were called to Nicki Minaj’s Hollywood home after Nicki allegedly got into an altercation with her ex-maid. TMZ reports “Nicki’s maid took a photo of the singer out of the trash and then asked Nicki to sign it.  Nicki got p****d and fired her.” Family Dinner Night – Peruvian-Style – at Pio Pio The maid later came back to the residence where Nicki became enraged and told her to leave. A source claims “the maid stood her ground, demanding not to be “treated like an animal” — at which point, Nicki allegedly said, “I’ll show you how to treat someone like an animal … get the f**k out of my house!” Nicki’s alleged boyfriend jumped into the mix and shoved the maid. The maid’s boss called the cops and filed a battery report. According to TMZ “One source says — contrary to what the cops say –  Nicki actually made a mistake, saw another maid and assumed she was the one Nicki had fired.” Either way it seems like Nicki is becoming bit of a diva. Nicki Minaj: “I Was Scared Of Sex” Nicki Minaj Reveals Past Suicidal Thoughts: “What Would Happen If I Just Didn’t Wake Up?” Caught On Tape: Nicki Minaj Attack [AUDIO]

Cops Called To Nicki Minaj’s House After Altercation With Maid

Tiki Barber Abandons NFL Comeback Bid

Denied the opportunity by all 32 NFL teams to make a comeback, Tiki Barber is “flabbergasted” but apparently content to move on with his life. “This is the last time I am speaking on this subject in any way, shape or form,” said Barber’s agent, Mark Lepselter, to the New York Post . “You can’t worry about the things in life you can’t control and Tiki has moved forward accordingly.” Sports Illustrated ‘s Peter King reported Monday that Barber didn’t get a single call over the weekend as teams began finalizing their rosters. “I hear he’s devastated,” wrote King, who also talked to Lepselter, who told him: “We are flabbergasted that Tiki has not had an opportunity with any NFL team, especially when rosters were at 90 players this year (during training camp).” “I certainly thought some team would be intrigued to see what he had left.” Barber’s professional life imploded a few years ago when he divorced his pregnant wife and began seeing 23-year-old intern Traci Lynn Johnson (above). The Today personality then likened himself to Anne Frank , which was lame. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Tiki Barber Abandons NFL Comeback Bid

Eddie Murphy Confirmed as Academy Awards Host

The rumor has become fact: Eddie Murphy will host the 20120 Academy Awards. “Eddie is a comedic genius, one of the greatest and most influential live performers ever,” says Brett Ratner, who will produce the telecast and who directs Murphy in Tower Heist . “With his love of movies, history of crafting unforgettable characters and his iconic performances – especially on stage – I know he will bring excitement, spontaneity and tremendous heart to the show Don and I want to produce in February.” Murphy was nominated for an Oscar in 2006 for Dreamgirls . Think he’ll make a good host?

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Eddie Murphy Confirmed as Academy Awards Host

Kurt Angle Offers Proof of Mistaken Arrest

Kurt Angle will not submit to the charges against him. The TNA wrestler was arrested early Sunday morning for DUI, but he isn’t merely maintaining his innocence in the face of that incident – he’s offering proof that no illegal activity occurred! Kurt Angle Entrance TNA has obtained the state of Virgina’s Certificate of Blood Alcohol Analysis, and it lists Kurt’s B.A.C. at .06 at the time of his arrest. The legal limit in Virgina is .08. Why did a motorist report the former Olympic Gold Medalist was swerving? “I was returning from an iMPACT Wrestling show in an unfamiliar place, late at night and was trying to find the exit for my hotel,” Angle says in a statement. “I fully cooperated with the officer who clearly recognized me while performing his standard procedures. Subsequent to the stop, I was asked to submit to a breathalyzer test and passed. I do not believe that I broke any laws and will be entering a plea of not guilty in response to any pending charges.”

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Kurt Angle Offers Proof of Mistaken Arrest

Rachel Uchitel Denies 9/11 Story, Threatens Lawsuit

Rachel Uchitel is absolutely livid over a Page Six article that implies she’s happy her fiance died during the 9/11 attacks on New York City a decade ago. She’s so upset she says she’ll sue over this. The N.Y. Post ‘s Page Six Magazine ran a story in which Rachel allegedly said, “I believe Andy [my fiance] was meant to die because he was too good.” Look at that face. Would she say or do something hurtful?! “It would have been tragic if we got into fights and then divorced … I’m glad I didn’t get to see any flaws that time brings on everyone,” Rachel allegedly said. “I would [otherwise] be a fat housewife with three kids in Sands Point, Long Island.” Somebody’s persona non grata in Sands Point right now, we have an inkling. Rachel Uchitel insists she was misquoted, however, and that the quotes were taken wholly out of context. “I would have loved nothing more than to be Andy’s housewife,” she told TMZ , adding that she told Page Six the same. Rachel says she’s lawyered up and plans to sue he publication. Stay tuned.

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Rachel Uchitel Denies 9/11 Story, Threatens Lawsuit

Aaron Vargas picture

“You#39;re not going to hurt anyone again,” Aaron Vargas, 32, allegedly said as 63-year-old Darrell McNeill lay dying. The fatal shooting in the quaint town flanked by redwood forests and spectacular coastal views has sparked a debate over whether Vargas should be treated like a hero for killing a man who many, including his own family, considered a danger to children, or a criminal for allegedly taking the law into his own hands. After Aaron Vargas endured years of s-exual abuse, it seemed in

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