Tag Archives: almost-exposing

You Can’t Be Serious: A New Jersey Drug Dealer Is Almost Shot Dead, But His _____ Saved His Life…

Not only does crime pay, it saves too! A New Jersey man’s huge wad of cash kept a bullet from ripping into his thigh. But it wasn’t all good luck for Jaquan Taylor, 21, of Paterson — who had a $3,400 bankroll in his pocket — after cops allegedly found heroin and pot in his jacket, leading to his arrest for possession with intent to distribute. Taylor was shot in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn on Route 46 West in Totowa at 3 a.m. on Saturday. Who would have thought that illegally making it rain in the hood could save your life? Source More On Bossip! Wanna Know How Much These Stars Really Weigh??? True Love? Look At These Pics Of Atlanta Falcon Ray Edwards And His Caked Out ATL Boo Centerfolds: The Most Unforgettable Ladies Of Color To Show Up In Playboy Magazine Sour Grapes: The Craziest Rumors Started By Scorned Exes

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You Can’t Be Serious: A New Jersey Drug Dealer Is Almost Shot Dead, But His _____ Saved His Life…

Peek-A-Boob: Venus Williams’ Itty Bitty Nugget Almost Popped Out During Tennis Match In France

Venus Williams’ lil tatas were almost put on full blast this weekend: Venus Williams almost had a Janet Jackson moment during a good-natured exhibition match against Italian tennis player Flavia Pennetta in Milan. The left strap on one of Venus’ self-designed eleVen dresses snapped during the match, almost exposing some extra skin to the assembled crowd. Like a seasoned fashion veteran, the elder Williams sister managed to cover up the problem and coolly walked off the court to change outfits. When she returned, she brought some popcorn for Pennetta, who had been forced to wait out the literal changeover. Nice save Venus…but we’re sure one of you pervs would have hoped it popped all the way out. Source

Peek-A-Boob: Venus Williams’ Itty Bitty Nugget Almost Popped Out During Tennis Match In France