Tag Archives: alyssa-barbara

Alyssa Barbara is Amazing in Lingerie of the Day

Her name is Alyssa Barbara. I’ve been following her on her INSTAGRAM because she’s pretty fucking amazing. She’s from Canada, and lives in Canada, all while Canada is the worst. I know this because I live here, and I know people from here, and none of those people look anything like this, but if they did, and apparently they do, I wouldn’t be so miserable…not that they would talk to me when they do look like this…because I am repulsive…but you know what I mean…and that is that I’d like to suck the maple syrup out of her ass with my tongue…because one thing I do know about Canadians in Canada is that they all shit maple syrup.

Continued here:
Alyssa Barbara is Amazing in Lingerie of the Day

Danielle Knudson Because She Is Hot

I’m having trouble remembering if Danielle Knudson here is my second or third-favorite Canadian hottie (after Alyssa Barbara , of course), but luckily there’s an easy way to settle this. See, all Danielle has to do to lock down that coveted #2 spot is agree to go on a date with yours truly. Not only will it help boost her modeling career, but it’d also be a lot of fun for both of us. OK, so yeah, neither of those things are true, but hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying. Call me! » view all 12 photos

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Danielle Knudson Because She Is Hot

Alyssa Barbara Is Smoking Hot!

If you’ve been paying attention to the site these past couple months, then you already know that Alyssa Barbara is my new favorite Canadian and one of my new favorite hotties period. And if you haven’t, well, then consider this latest set of lingerie pictures your official wake-up call. Now, does anyone know where I can buy a pair of flame-resistant sweatpants? Because I’m going to need them if Alyssa keeps this up.

Continued here:
Alyssa Barbara Is Smoking Hot!

I Am Thankful For Alyssa Barbara

As you can tell I’m raiding hotties’ Instaram pages today since I’m all alone in my basement on this Thanksgiving because my mom was invited to a party and I wasn’t. Don’t feel bad for me, I still have my online girlfriends. Here is Canadian goddess Alyssa Barbara . Finally, Canada has stepped up to the plate and provided us with a real babe and for that we should all be thankful. It only took 147 years. » view all 12 photos          

Here is the original post:
I Am Thankful For Alyssa Barbara

Alyssa Barbara Is A Goddess Of All Goddesses

Let’s face it: now that Pam Anderson ‘s over the hill, it’s about time we all found a new favorite Canadian hottie to drool over. And I’d like to officially nominate one of my current favorite models period, Alyssa Barbara . Not only is she a busty blonde just like Pam, but I swear that every single photoshoot we get from her is hotter than the last. It’s almost enough to melt my cold blogger heart. Or at least my pants region. Either way, I’m pretty sure I’m in love. Photos: Kingston Photo

Continued here:
Alyssa Barbara Is A Goddess Of All Goddesses

Bryana Holly for Galore of the Day

Instagram model – B Holly B blocked me from Instagram a while ago, she didn’t like my interpretation of what she represents that I based off her fake tits and her relationship with a Kardashian, that I guess got her on the show, to get her “modelling” career off the ground….a modelling career that only really exists because of the number of instagram followers she has…It’s what we call new generation modelling agency…where brands use a girl only because they want to reach her followers and build up their social media…almost like running an ad campaign…because if this was 10 years ago, they wouldn’t have cared about social presence, or confused followers with relevance, like MTV did with Tila Tequila so many years ago…it was like “She’s so big on Myspace, she must matter, let’s give her a show, even though she’s a porn chick”…but I guess that’s just the nature of the interent…. That’s not to say I don’t feel a romantic connection with Bryana Holly, I like to think any girl who follows me is only doing it to play hard to get, I mean it technically means she knows I exist, and knowing I exist is the first step to unwanted pregancy… So Bryana Holly …if you’re out there…let’s hope you don’t have a Brody Jenner Kardashian herpes outbreak…so that we can at least try to make babies with my mouth… Feel free to email me where you want to meet up so that our love can happen….. These pics were for my friends at GALORE

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Bryana Holly for Galore of the Day

Alyssa Barbara by Torrey West of the Day

I can’t figure out why Alyssa Barbara isn’t more famous than she is, because if it was up to me, I would take this Canadian busty babe, and turn her into the next Pamela Anderson, I’m talking get her into the Baywatch remake, they did one with 90210, they can do one with lifeguards, only maybe they should switch it up and make them lifeguards in my bathroom, so that I don’t drown when taking a bath, and when I’m not bathing they can hose down the whale that is my wife….you know so she doesn’t dry out and die…even though that could be a good thing… That said, Alyssa Barbara is amazing, and I’m not just saying that because of Canada pride, I don’t have Canada pride, I don’t think Canadians are great, but when they look like this, I mean they could be Nazi’s in Nazi Germany out to ethnic cleanse my Mexican ass , and I’d be totally eager, hoping they administer the poison us via her breast milk I need to suck out…that may be a weird fetish to some, but when dealing with something that looks like this…there is no such thing as weird…it’s all glorious and sent from heaven. Pics are by someone named Torrey West ….

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Alyssa Barbara by Torrey West of the Day

Alyssa Barbara Is The Hottest Canadian Ever!

I don’t know how she does it, but somehow it seems like every set of pictures we get from Canadian hottie Alyssa Barbara is even better than the last. And this latest lingerie shoot is no exception. So enjoy these, because I don’t know how it can get much better than this. All I know is, Alyssa here is hands down the hottest thing to come out of Canada since Pam Anderson . Wow. Photos: Torrey West

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Alyssa Barbara Is The Hottest Canadian Ever!

Amanda Seyfried Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Amanda Seyfried is the girl who moved in and stole all of Lindsay Lohan’s work. She was the “she was a bitch to me on set of Mean Girls, and now she’s an un-hireable disaster, that I’m, gonna take every job she ever was offered or rumored to be offered, even if they don’t pay me – because I’m hotter, I have better tits and fuck her”…which is kind of awesome…as is her ability balance her mainstream vanilla cheesy roles – while doing a couple more obscure movies that she’s fully naked in…but I’m most impressed in that she manages to live her life, always dressed like she’s having her period, dumpy and unshowered for the paparzzi…looking like she smells and has shit stains in her underwear…never dolled up because I guess she has nothing to prove…but then I remember she fucks Justin Long…and that maybe she’s just the fucking worst…because he is..and she lets him cum inside her… So in these ill-fitting sweatpants that she’s probably been in for 3 days or more – is dried up Justin Long sperm…and that’s pretty fucking vile…I think it’s time to move on from this. To See The Rest Of the Pics CLICK HERE

The rest is here:
Amanda Seyfried Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Alyssa Barbara in Bed with Torrey West of the Day

In the wake of all the nonsense going on in Canada, where innocent soldiers are being killed by insane French Canadians who are converting to ISIS because it appeals to their misinformed anarchist beliefs…because I guess they never grew the fuck up from being 15 and full of angst….I figure we should stare at this

Excerpt from:
Alyssa Barbara in Bed with Torrey West of the Day