Tag Archives: another-model

Australian Sex Worker By Art Provocative of the DAy

I am very into sex workers because I am a firm believer that in a lot of ways, we are all sex workers. We all take it up the ass for a pay check, some of us are just a little more literal about it. I happen to have my rent paid for by a monster I married…which is probably worse than working a 9-5…or more importantly, worse than turning tricks… The reality is that this is the sexed up generation, everyone is a pornstar, or trying to date-upwards, girls who are fucking old rich dudes or sugar daddies for gifts like “cash”….or girls fucking the DJ for guestlist, the bartender for drinks, the famous person for hopes he will date you…. is not all that different than going out there and fucking a stranger for money… What it comes down to is that we’re all sexual deviants, we are all out for ourselves, and hookers are a lot less headaches than actual girlfriends, they leave you alone, making them pretty perfect, especially when in hot shoots by my favorite Australian photographer ART PROVOCATIVE … The post Australian Sex Worker By Art Provocative of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Australian Sex Worker By Art Provocative of the DAy

Antonia Wesseloh for Marie Claire Italy of the Day

I don’t know who this model Antonia Wesseloh is, I just know that she’s in Marie Claire Italy, and that I dig the vibe of this shoot, because it’s weird, has a fashion spin on poor white trash, and poor white trash is all I really know, mainly because poor white trash girls are all I really ever fuck…they are desperate, scabby from the meth, you know how it is…. I assume this Antonia Wesseloh is from Germany, where planes crash…but I could be wrong because I’m more into looking at the pics…all they are missing is some teen pregnancy, some cold sores, some canned corn and some broken dreams, not that white trash have dreams, they are more simple and into perpetuating that poor trailer park hell that they live.. The post Antonia Wesseloh for Marie Claire Italy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Antonia Wesseloh for Marie Claire Italy of the Day

#stepGIRL @Maargueritee.b of the Day

There is a man named , who is a pretty talented cat, I have known him for a long time…who partnered up with me a long time ago…to create something called the step_GIRLS …and snapchat stepGIRLS meeting up with girls off the internet all over the world…to get them in photoshoots where they are normally naked…because he’s not a creep, despite what people may call him when they see his slogan “model whisperer”…or that he’s looking for “girls with loose morals”….but rather an artist…who just admires the female body so much that he falls in love with it multiple times a day…with different girls… One of those girls being @maargueritee.b who he rented a hotel room with – because he’s rich…and took pics of her…even though he’s not a photographer, and wants me to make it clear to the world that he’s not a photographer, he just likes to have a good time in hotel rooms with naked girls and without a camera in the mix, it’d be weird… So here are pics he took, because he’s not a photographer, but because every asshole with an instagram account and an iPhone is a photographer, but not every asshole with an instagram account, can make the kind of magic that is @maargueritee.b…. The post #stepGIRL @Maargueritee.b of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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#stepGIRL @Maargueritee.b of the Day

Anja Rubik for Fashion Porn for Vogue France of the Day

I feel like I already posted these pics of Anja Rubik, but it is very possible that I have seen similar pictures of another model before, seeing as nothing is original, pictures are played out, and that there is so much overlap who the fuck cares….I mean how many fucking pictures does one species need to see to document their bullshit memories, or to sell product… Either way, iI call fashion nudity, fashion porn, and this is fashion porn, thanks to incorporating a dude into it, with some serious softcore porn poses…and the whole thing is not very Vogue, unless that’s just where the world is going, which we all know it obviously is…since porn gets hits and all the other shit is just a gateway to porn…it’s human nature or some shit..I wouldn’t know about thanks to impotence caused by marriage… The post Anja Rubik for Fashion Porn for Vogue France of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anja Rubik for Fashion Porn for Vogue France of the Day

Celia Zhang is Jerry Yan’s new model "friend"

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Celia Zhang is Jerry Yan’s new model "friend"

Jessica Sutta Works It Good And I Care

The problem with being in a manufactured group like the Pussycat Dolls is when it’s over everyone forgets about the members who played no key part in it. That being everyone but Nicole Scherzinger . Here’s Jessica Sutta performing prior to the Miami Dolphins games. I’m only posting this because I feel bad for her because no one cares, but if Jessica wants to perform at my cousins sweet sixteen next month, I’d be more than happy to hire her since I know Nicole would be too expensive. I just hope she can do the main vocals to Don’t Cha and Buttons. If not, she can just plant that booty on my lap and act pretty. more pictures of Jessica Sutta here

Erin Heatherton Is The New Marisa Miller

Here’s another model to look forward to in 2011, Erin Heatherton . Here she is modelling for Victoria’s Secret Valentine’s Day photoshoot. She reminds me of a younger Marisa Miller . Now even though Marisa is only 32, that is like 60 in model years. Anyway, Erin is absolutely gorgeous and her body is built to please, so enjoy.

Madonna Doesn’t Look Like Madonna in Interview of the Day

Here’s a jacked up Madonna who doesn’t even look like Madonna because they’ve edited her face into something almost worth fucking…this is so photoshopped that they should have just hired another model to stand in and call her Madonna, and maybe that’s what they did because I don’t see any rippling muscles or haggard face and really…if I was Madonna in all her disgusting glory…I would probably do the fucking same cuz who wants to deal with the truth of how you actually look….in a hide the mirrors in your house and only let trained photographers with high powered computer skills take pictures for you…cuz that way you can play make-belief since you don’t ever have to look at yourself…good fucking deal…. So if jerking off to Madonna is a childhood memory, this could be your last chance to revisit those years, unless you use youtube or the internet from screencaps from that movie she did called “SEX”….

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Madonna Doesn’t Look Like Madonna in Interview of the Day

Natasha Collins – Zoo Weekly Beach Babes 2010

Right. Natasha Collins has just won the Zoo Weekly Beach Babes 2010 comp. Therefore she gets a post on my blog! What I will say is that Natasha is another model that I found about some time ago, but got lost in the system. Don’t believe me – doesn’t matter here are some pre-winner pics for you to see…… Just a great bikini model! You may have seen these pics before, you may have not. Anyway they are here for the records of time. Still cannot wait to see the new pics. Make Her Famous Comments

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Natasha Collins – Zoo Weekly Beach Babes 2010