Tag Archives: jessica-sutta

Jessica Sutta Knows How To Dress, But Can’t Perform!

I really didn’t know Jessica Sutta still had a singing career after the Pussycat Dolls split up. Actually, I didn’t know she had a singing career when they were together since Nicole Scherzinger sang every song. In any case, girl knows to dress for her performances and I guess that’s all you really need these days. Anyway, below is a video of the performance and I’m not sure if she is lip-synching or not, but either way it’s pretty bad.

Jessica Sutta Knows How To Dress, But Can’t Perform!

I really didn’t know Jessica Sutta still had a singing career after the Pussycat Dolls split up. Actually, I didn’t know she had a singing career when they were together since Nicole Scherzinger sang every song. In any case, girl knows to dress for her performances and I guess that’s all you really need these days. Anyway, below is a video of the performance and I’m not sure if she is lip-synching or not, but either way it’s pretty bad.

Joanna Krupa Hard Nipple Photoshoot of the Day

Joanna Krupa is keeping it classy, if you consider classy being a borderline pornstar, showing off her fake tits and hard nipples, like a pornstar, who would have been a pornstar, had she not landed the Dancing with the Stars gig, because prior to DWTS, she was at a standstill, that could have gone either direction to tend to the fire she had to be more mainstream famous, but her modeling nonsense for shitty magazines wasn’t cutting it but now that she’s a big reality TV star, she can go back to her roots of being a low grade hooker, all hot in photoshoots, and I’m not gonna hate her for it. The world needs vagina like this to keep me happy. Because the vagina at home sure as fuck isn’t.

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Joanna Krupa Hard Nipple Photoshoot of the Day

Jessica Sutta is Not That Great in Her Bikini, Good Thing You Don’t Know Who She Is of the Day

Her name is Jessica Sutta, you’ve probably never heard of her. She is an ex-Pussycat doll, who is now taking a shot at her own Solo career. You know up on some Beyonce shit, only the low budget version, because no one knows who the fuck Jessica Sutta is. More importantly, based on the way she looks, sloppy body, hard face and all. She’s probably pushing 40. She is in Miami at the Ultra Music Festival, where she’s going to be premiering some of her life changing shitty club music, and obviously she took the opportunity to get some paparazzi bikini time, because what the fuck else is she gonna do to promote her senior citizen home tour. Take what you can get and luckily, thanks to the bikini, I have no problem staring. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jessica Sutta is Not That Great in Her Bikini, Good Thing You Don’t Know Who She Is of the Day

Jessica Sutta’s Junk In Daisy Dukes

Here is former Pussycat Doll, Jessica Sutta strutting her junk in Miami. I’m a huge fan of chicks who show off their midriffs and wear Daisy Dukes, but Jessica is looking a little sloppy. That’s not to say I wouldn’t mind helping her get back into rock hard shape. However, it’s going to take more than one session since they only last a minute each. Call me.

Jessica Sutta Bikini Pictures

I was pretty excited to find out that there were some shots of a former Pussycat Doll hanging out in her bikini in Miami, unfortunately I thought it was Nicole Scherzinger . It’s not. Here’s some chick named Jessica Sutta strutting her stuff in her bikini. Still hot, I love those big unknown chesticles of hers. Nicely done. In case you don’t know who she is, I added a video of one of her solo projects below. It’s pretty clear she was one of the back up singers.

Today’s Bikini Round-Up of the Day

So instead of doing a post on each of these bitches to link out to the sites that have the rights to post these pictures….cuz I sure as hell can’t afford to pay the paparazzi their outrageous prices for their shitty pictures….I decided to do a bikini round-up….. So We’ve got Jessica Sutta, a Pussycat Doll with a Pussy Hugging bikini and some big stripper tits in Miami……Juliette Lewis in a bikini with hard nipples, looking like the crackwhore she’s become, old and tired…..in Mexico….cuz they have good drugs….and then there’s Paris Hilton….in Bali….who I was going to ignore cuz I feel we have the power to make her go away…..but posted anyway…cuz priviledged lives on vapid cunts is ok to watch when they are half named…. So here’s Jessica Sutta in her Bikini in Miami of the Day To See The Rest of the Pics Jessica Sutta Pics….. FOLLOW THIS LINK Here’s Juliette Lewis Crackwhore Bikini in Mexico of the Day To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK Here’s Paris Hilton…the fucking worst…. Bikini in Bali of the Day To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Today’s Bikini Round-Up of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Jessica Sutta Strips

Alright she doesn’t really strip, more like teases. After seeing yesterday’s post I looked her up on YouTube and found this. It’s pretty hot. She definitely knows how to to move…. me. Enjoy. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Jessica Sutta Strips Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Jessica Sutta Strips

Jessica Sutta Works It Good And I Care

The problem with being in a manufactured group like the Pussycat Dolls is when it’s over everyone forgets about the members who played no key part in it. That being everyone but Nicole Scherzinger . Here’s Jessica Sutta performing prior to the Miami Dolphins games. I’m only posting this because I feel bad for her because no one cares, but if Jessica wants to perform at my cousins sweet sixteen next month, I’d be more than happy to hire her since I know Nicole would be too expensive. I just hope she can do the main vocals to Don’t Cha and Buttons. If not, she can just plant that booty on my lap and act pretty. more pictures of Jessica Sutta here

Pussycat Dolls’ New Members Revealed

‘So You Think You Can Dance’ alum Kherington Payne and ‘America’s Best Dance Crew’ runner-up Rino Nakasone-Razalan join the group. By Jocelyn Vena Kherington Payne Photo: MTV News Pussycat Dolls founder Robin Antin has at last revealed who will be joining Nicole Scherzinger in the group after the departure of three members early this year. On Saturday, Antin tweeted a photo of the new group. The four new members are Kherington Payne from “So You Think You Can Dance”; former Lakers Girl Vanessa Curry; Rino Nakasone-Razalan, a former Harajuku Girl and member of “America’s Best Dance Crew” runners-up Beat Freaks, and former Girlicious member Jamie Lee Ruiz. Antin tweeted that the photo was taken after the Dolls performed at a private party. In January, Jessica Sutta left the Dolls to pursue a solo career, and Kimberly Wyatt and Ashley Roberts announced their departure in March. Both Antin and Scherzinger asserted that the other singers’ departure group didn’t mean the group was over. “PCD IS FAR FROM OVER! In fact round 3 is just beginning! STAY TUNED if u BELIEVE in PCD! Love you!” Antin tweeted. “Ooohh love you all! Keep sending me ur tweets, positive or not, it just shows u care! I knw there’s a Doll inside all of you! I wanna hear!” The new members have also been posting their own Twitter messages about joining the group. “Thank you Everyone for the love and support!” Payne wrote . “It means the world to me/us! Love you all 🙂 xoxo.” Curry shared similar sentiments. “Thank you everyone for the supportive tweets!! The Pussycat dolls are ready to bring it hard for you guys!! muah :)” she wrote . In March, as Scherzinger was prepping for her turn on “Dancing With the Stars,” she sat down with MTV News to discuss the group’s new lineup. “[The change is] kind of inevitable, right? When it comes to girl groups, I think we did the best that we could for a good chunk of time,” she explained. “We had an amazing time, and then people change and people grow, and sometimes things aren’t right for them. We’re all artists — just go and be creative. I love the PCD. It’s been a blessing for me. I don’t take it for granted, so I can’t wait to do more music.” What do you think of the new PCD lineup? Tell us in the comments! Related Artists Pussycat Dolls

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Pussycat Dolls’ New Members Revealed