Tag Archives: arena

Justin Bieber performing with Ariana Grande at her concert in Miami (March 28,) FULL SHOW

Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande singing As Long As You Love Me together in Miami Justin Bieber tonight in Miami. (March 28) Justin Bieber leaving the arena tonight in Miami. (March 28) Justin… http://www.youtube.com/v/vuRs1TB19iU?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: Justin Bieber performing with Ariana Grande at her concert in Miami (March 28,) FULL SHOW

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Justin Bieber performing with Ariana Grande at her concert in Miami (March 28,) FULL SHOW

Rich Homie Quan Gets into a Fight at Adrien Broner Fight [VIDEO]

Excerpt from:

Last night in Cincinnati’s US Bank Arena, it went down! If you think I’m talking about Adrien Broner’s fight against Emanuel Taylor, you’re partially right.…

Rich Homie Quan Gets into a Fight at Adrien Broner Fight [VIDEO]

Mr. Skin’s Top 150 Greatest Nude Scenes

In honor of his 15th year in the skindustry, Mr. Skin of MrSkin.com presents an all-new list of the Greatest Nude Scenes of All Time. Mr. Skin’s Top 150 Greatest Nude Scenes of All Time features some returning favorites and new contenders to the arena, and will be unveiled beginning August 11, 2014. Will your favorites make the cut? Be sure to check MrSkin.com every day to find out.

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Mr. Skin’s Top 150 Greatest Nude Scenes

My name is Emily and I really hope you enjoy watching my Bieber…

My name is Emily and I really hope you enjoy watching my Bieber experience video.  I just wanted to say that I have been a belieber ever since 2009 and ever since 2011, whenever  Justin would come to my city (Toronto) I would go down and try to find him. I have never had luck in meeting him at all. I was  always either at the wrong place, there at the wrong time or he wasn’t even in the city . I met Justin on December 29th 2013 which was over the winter holidays and I remember  telling one of my teachers that when we get back, I would have met Justin.  If you want to meet Justin, you have to go  out there and make it happen. -Emily (@iObeyJBieber) The rest is here: My name is Emily and I really hope you enjoy watching my Bieber…

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My name is Emily and I really hope you enjoy watching my Bieber…

I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin finally tweeted about the Australian tour dates coming out. I was freaking out! My friends and I made plans and the day the tickets came on sale we all tried but unfortunately missed out. There were multiple days but we failed to get Sydney tickets and had to split up. I went to Melbourne and was lucky enough to get VIP tickets in the front row. I couldn’t believe that I was actually, legit, getting the opportunity to meet Justin! It didn’t seem real and since I had a lot of school work to do, I tried not to think about it. Coming up to the day of the concert, I was going through a lot and didn’t even want to go to the M&G because I knew it would be over instantly and then my only piece of happiness left would be gone. I flew to Melbourne early that day and went to the arena to pick up the tickets. The lady was like, “Yep 2 tickets” and we screamed because we were meant to have 3. We started panicking and then she checked again and was like, “Oh yes 3, come back to the arena before 5:30.” When we came back, we went and got our wrist bands and got in line. Ryan came into the room and said, “You can go down and watch Cody Simpson but you MUST be back in here by 8:05.” We watched Cody do a few songs and before 8:05, ran back to the room. We walked down the stairs and got in line. The line moved so quickly and before I knew it, it was my turn to meet Justin. I was trying to act calm and walked up to him. He was perfect. So beautiful. We said hello to each other, took the photo, and hugged, thanking him for everything while holding his hand and looking into his eyes. When I walked out of the room it hit me and the tears started. I couldn’t believe I had met my world. We walked back into the arena and got in our seats and waited for the concert. It was amazing! While being in the front row the whole time, Justin looked at us and pointed! At the end of the show, one of the security guards gave me Justin’s drumsticks which I couldn’t believe. The night turned out more perfect than ever and better than I imagined. Justin you are truly wonderful. Thank you so much for everything. You are my everything and I’ll never leave you. -@ibieberabz  Follow this link: I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

Originally posted here:
I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

‘Fault In Our Stars’ Director Josh Boone To Take ‘The Stand’

Josh Boone will be directing and adapting Stephen King’s “The Stand,” and it looks like one of his “Fault” stars will be cast.

See the original post here:
‘Fault In Our Stars’ Director Josh Boone To Take ‘The Stand’

Miley Cyrus Gives Herself A Wedgie At Comeback Concert: See Tonight’s Pics

Miley Cyrus takes London’s O2 Arena by storm after being sick for weeks.

Here is the original post:
Miley Cyrus Gives Herself A Wedgie At Comeback Concert: See Tonight’s Pics

My name is Kaitlin and I have been supporting Justin for over 4…

Original post:

My name is Kaitlin and I have been supporting Justin for over 4 years now. He has helped me stay strong and taught me to never give up on what I want. On August 6th (two days before I saw Justin in Tampa), my best friend’s mom surprised her and I with a pair of meet and greets! When my best friend facetimed me crying, I knew we were meeting our idol. I was crying through that entire night in shock that after 4 years of trying my absolute hardest, I was finally meeting my hero. I left my house at 9 a.m. and got to Tampa, FL at around 12 in the afternoon. I was shaking all that day because I was so nervous to meet Justin. I went to my hotel, unpacked, walked to the arena and waited in case I saw any of the crew members for about two hours. When I was walking back to the hotel to freshen up before my meet and greet, I met Deidre – one of the dancers! She was so sweet and stopped to take a picture. When I got back to my hotel, I took a shower and got ready to meet the one kid who saved my life any many others. I was still in shock and it didn’t feel real. We met up with the guy who gave us our wristbands and when he put my wristband on, it finally kicked in that I was meeting my idol. I started crying hysterically in front of everyone. We went inside the arena and then walked downstairs into a brick hallway. Security told us to get into a group with 5-6 people for our picture. We grouped up with three sweet girls and made our plan for the meet and greet picture. It was finally our turn to walk through the navy curtain and I was convulsing. I walked through the curtains to see my idol standing there in a blue shirt. I couldn’t help but stare at his face. He was so perfect. He looked like a china doll. I didn’t end up standing next to Justin but I stood in the back and we had our arms on each others waists. I don’t even remember looking at the camera because I was in such shock. We took the picture and security pushes us all out. I stood inside the curtains after everyone had left and just stood there. Crying. Staring at the one who saved my life. His head was turned away but he heard me crying and looked at me and smirked. I screamed and then ran into the arena. I was crying for about an hour after I met him, it felt so unreal. I am so blessed to have the had the opportunity to finally meet my idol. It was the best day of the my life and always will be. Never give up on your dreams because although they seem impossible to make happen, nothing is impossible. Trust me. -Kaitlin Go here to see the original: My name is Kaitlin and I have been supporting Justin for over 4…

My name is Kaitlin and I have been supporting Justin for over 4…

After being a belieber for so long, I can finally say I met him…

After being a belieber for so long, I can finally say I met him on July 7 th , 2013 in Des Moines, Iowa . On July 7, my family and I drove out to Des Moines. As we arrived, we drove by the arena to see all of the beliebers covered in purple and Justin shirts and to get a glimpse of his tour bus. Around 4:00 we went to check in and get our laminates and wristbands, then headed to the VIP party. We were led backstage and while we were in line, I saw Dan, Kenny, and tons of the dancers. Suddenly I saw bread being thrown from inside the curtains out into the girls in front of the line, and girls started cheering and screaming. It was definitely Justin. As the line got shorter I could see the outline of his body behind the curtain and I took a quick peek inside at one point. As they opened the curtain for me to go in, I had a perfect view of him.. my mind went blank and all I could see was him. He looked so perfect, he didn’t even look real. It quickly hit me. I was meeting my whole world. My lifesaver. My idol. In a few seconds I would be right next him.. unreal. I didn’t even notice his crew in there, I was just staring at him. During that time, it was a little boy dressed as fetus Justin’s turn. As he walked up next to Justin, Justin with his deep, raspy voice said, “Aww, hey little buddy,” and from that point on, I felt like I was in a dream. As soon as my sister was done taking her picture, it was my turn. I walked up to him and turned facing the camera, looked behind him to place my arm perfectly on his back (his shirt was so soft) and smiled while a white flash woke me up from what I thought was a dream. I didn’t say anything because I was too starstruck to even function. Turning to leave, Justin shifted his hand to my waist and his fingers slowly unhooked from me one by one as I headed for the exit and from that moment, I realized dreams do come true. It was a moment I’ll never forget. I’ve been here since late ’09 and honestly, hard work does pay off. If you want to meet Justin, don’t give up. He taught us to “never say never” so don’t stop trying until you’ve reach it. You have plenty of time to reach the goal you share with 42 million other beliebers. Anything is possible. This is only the beginning. I love you Justin! –Jenny (@jennybelieves) Excerpt from: After being a belieber for so long, I can finally say I met him…

Continued here:
After being a belieber for so long, I can finally say I met him…

My name is Abbey and I’m to the right of Justin in my…

My name is Abbey and I’m to the right of Justin in my picture. After 4 years of loving and supporting Justin, I never thought I would finally get to meet him August 2nd, 2013. After going to two other Believe Tour concerts, I would finally get to meet him at my third one. I found out I was meeting Justin the day before the concert. My mom surprised me and my 3 other friends with meet and greets. She had gotten them from work from Justin’s record label and I couldn’t have been more blessed. Before she told me, I was crying all day because I knew I would never be able to meet him. I cried for hours and then finally my dream came true. My friends and I cried as soon as we found out and were still in shock all day. Then, finally the day had come. We were on our way to the arena and couldn’t have been more happy. We had arrived at 3:45 in Brooklyn and had to get our meet and greets at 5:45. Those were the longest 2 hours of my life. Waiting patiently to receive my bracelets was the hardest thing ever. Knowing that in 2 hours you would be able to meet your idol was amazing. Finally at 5:45 we got our bracelets and made our way to the VIP section in the arena. There we waited for 1 hour on the line with a bunch of other girls. Finally we were moved downstairs and we were minutes away from meeting Justin. As we were getting closer and closer to the curtain I started panicking. I saw him through the curtain and burst out into tears. I didn’t want to be crying in the picture so everyone was trying to calm me down. They kept saying we needed groups of 6 but I was lucky enough to get a group of 4 because the lady behind us said she knew Ryan. Then it was our turn and before we walked in, the guy told us to be careful of Justin’s left arm. We walked in and he was just standing there looking perfect as always. He had a rubber bracelet and was flinging it at Ryan Butler. I walked over and he said, “Hi guys” and smiled. For the picture I put my hand on his stomach and he put his arm on my shoulder. The picture went so fast I wasn’t even sure if I was looking at the camera but I knew I had tears in my eyes. After the picture he pulled me and my friend Victoria in for a hug. He squeezed our heads into his chest and he said “Awww” and smiled so big. The whole time I couldn’t stop staring at his little scar on his cheek and his perfect lips. After the hug we all said, “I love you Justin” and he said, “Thank you guys, I love you.” He was even more perfect in person. On the way out I said hi to Ryan and he smiled. I cried for about an hour after we met him and it was the best day of my life. It still doesn’t seem real that I met the real Justin Bieber that I talk about every day. Thank you again Justin for being such an amazing person I love you! -Abbey (@abbmirelli)  See more here: My name is Abbey and I’m to the right of Justin in my…

See more here:
My name is Abbey and I’m to the right of Justin in my…