Tag Archives: battles-at-once

Jimmy Kimmel Talks Oscars Gaffe: Who Does He Blame?

On Sunday night, Jimmy Kimmel was at the center of the greatest mistake in Academy Awards history. As most of the free world knows by now, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were on stage toward the very end of this ceremony, prepared to announce the winner of Best Picture. Only Beatty hesitated, confused by the contents of the envelope, which he then showed to Dunaway. Jimmy Kimmel Monologue: Down with Donald Trump, Matt Damon AND Meryl Streep The veteran actress went ahead and told the crowd that La La Land had earned this honor, prompting that film’s cast and crew to take to the stage. By just as one of the producers started to give an acceptance speech, someone with a headset started whispering in the ears of those around him on stage. It turns out… a mistake was made! Moonlight actually won Best Picture! Beatty and Dunaway were somehow given a duplicate envelope that contained the winner of Best Actress (Emma Stone from La La Land), NOT Best Picture. A bit of chaos ensured before one of the La La Land producers very calmly and gracefully confirmed to the audience what had transpired. As host, Kimmel tried to lighten the mood, cracking that he blames Steve Harvey for the miscue. It was pretty incredible to witness. You really should relive the moment below: Oscars 2017 Best Picture: There’s Been a Mistake! Fast forward about 24 hours and Kimmel opened his late-night talk show on Monday by, of course, addressing this unexpected Oscars development. “As I’m sure you’ve at least heard, La La Land was simultaneously somehow the biggest winner and loser last night,” he cracked, going on to joke that “It was the weirdest TV finale since Lost.” Kimmel also gave hilarious credit to Beatty for basically passing the confusing buck (that is, envelope) to his fellow presenter. “See what Warren did there?” said Kimmel of the moment when Beatty hesitated prior to handing the envelope to Dunaway. “He was confused, so he let her read the winner. In other words, Clyde threw Bonnie under the bus. I have to be honest … it’s one of the slickest moves I’ve ever seen.” Where was Kimmel when this was taking place? Sitting next to close friend/fake enemy Matt Damon, prepared to deliver his final scripted joke. “So the La La Land producers get up on stage, and a few of them – Jordan Horowitz, Marc Platt and Fred Burger – gave speeches,” Kimmel explained. “So now I am sitting in the audience watching the speeches. The plan is for me to end the show from the audience, next to Matt Damon, who – make no mistake – whatever confusion there was about who won? Matt Damon lost. He was a loser. He is a loser. “But we’re sitting there, and we notice some commotion going on, and Matt says, ‘I think I heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong,’ which is unusual, but you figure, well, the host will go onstage and clear this up. “And then I remember, ‘oh I’m the host.'” Some viewers actually this entire thing was one of Kimmel’s his infamous pranks. But he assured his folks that the mix-up was not any kind of hoax. “As I walked off stage, people started to speculate that maybe I was pulling a prank,” he said last ight. “Which, trust me, if I had pulled a prank in that situation, I wouldn’t have just had the wrong winner’s name in the envelope when they opened it. There would have been a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon inside. It was not a prank. “And by the way, the producers of La La Land were very gracious, on stage and off. They handled it very well. It was a very amicable custody arrangement. They didn’t even ask for visitation or anything.” Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCooper has taken responsibly for the wild gaffe and issued an apology. In a statement released on their Twitter page, the company said: “PwC takes full responsibility for the series of mistakes and breaches of established protocols during last night’s Oscars. PwC Partner Brian Cullinan mistakenly handed the back-up envelope for Actress in a Leading Role instead of the envelope for Best Picture to presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.” Why is there a back-up envelope? Who the heck knows?!? “We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to each of them for the graciousness they displayed during such a difficult moment,” PricewaterhouseCooper concluded. “For the past 83 years, the Academy has entrusted PwC with the integrity of the awards process during the ceremony, and last night we failed the Academy.” It remains unclear whether the Academy will bring PricewaterhouseCooper back in this capacity next year. View Slideshow: Academy Awards Flub Inspires Internet, Leads to Other Best Picture Possibilities

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Jimmy Kimmel Talks Oscars Gaffe: Who Does He Blame?

Jennifer Aniston is PREGNANT! (According to Kathy Hilton)

Hollywood is a small place and stars who wouldn’t seem to share enough in common to sustain 10 minutes of cocktail party small talk often form close friendships for no other reason than that they’re both rich and famous. Just like in high school, some people are deemed cool enough to move seamlessly between cliques, and it should come as no surprise that Jennifer Aniston is one such social butterfly, beloved by both A-listers and reality stars alike. Which is why when Paris Hilton’s mom says Aniston is pregnant , there might really be something to it. Aniston was in attendance at the 2017 Academy Awards on Sunday night, and it seems that while the rest of the country was preoccupied with #Envelopegate and Gary From Chicago, Kathy Hilton was busy spreading rumors about the actress: “Jennifer Aniston looks so beautiful tonight I am telling you she is having a baby girl. 100/ percent,” Kathy tweeted after the ceremony. She deleted the tweet less than an hour later, but only after being bombarded by requests to elaborate. Is it possible that Kathy realized she had shared information that she was supposed to keep to herself? Kathy, of course, was not in attendance at the Oscars, but she did snag a coveted invitation to Elton John’s after-party. Is it possible that she and Jen talked pregnancy, and in her excitement, Kathy spilled the tea all over Twitter. Eh … probably not. According to Aniston’s publicist Stephen Huvane, Kathy has no information about what’s going on in Jen’s uterus than anyone else. “Jennifer is not pregnant nor does she know Kathy Hilton,” Huvane tells Hollywood Life. The situation begs the question: What in the actual hell was Kathy Hilton talking about? For starters, Jen didn’t look remotely pregnant on Sunday night. Not only that, Kathy skipped right over speculation that Jen is pregnant and jumped right to speculating about the non-existent baby’s gender. Look, Kathy, we understand that your family is a bit thirsty these days, but this isn’t the way. The Internet generates approximately 40,000 Jennifer Aniston pregnancy rumors a day on its own. We don’t need you adding fuel to the fire. If you need attention this badly, we suggest you keep it in-house and start a rumor about Paris. Your daughter, not the city. Although come to think of it, Americans are probably equally apathetic about both these days. View Slideshow: Jennifer Aniston: 26 Babies & Counting!!

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Jennifer Aniston is PREGNANT! (According to Kathy Hilton)

Jenelle Evans-Barbara Evans Custody Battle Intensifies

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you probably already know that Jenelle Evans and her infamous mother, Barbara Evans, don’t enjoy the closest of mother-daughter bonds. In fact, we’re not sure if they’ve ever had a conversation that didn’t escalate into a full-throated screaming match. Jenelle’s eldest son, Jace, has lived with Barbara his entire life, but over the past year, Jenelle has ramped up her efforts to be awarded sole physical custody of the 7-year-old. Watch Teen Mom 2 Season 8 Episode 9 Online Last year, Jenelle boasted about “fighting two custody battles at once ,” one with Barbara, the other with her Nathan Griffith, the father of her second child. Despite frequently and publicly exercising poor judgment (such as when she boasted about fighting two custody battles at once on social media), Jenelle was successful in her efforts to limit Griffith’s parental rights. She’s had no such luck in her battle with Babs. On last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2 , Jenelle and Barbara once again had it out over what’s best for Jace, but this time, there were lawyers present. Both of the Evans women gave depositions, with Jenelle reportedly answering difficult questions about her lengthy arrest record and past issues with substance abuse and violence. (Cameras weren’t allowed in the courtroom, but Jenelle’s lawyer congratulated her on her grace under pressure.) But while we didn’t get to see Jenelle plead her case in front of the judge, we did get to hear her share her thoughts on the Babs situation when her conversations with David Eason and friends. Jenelle talks about her strained relationship with her mother just about every week, but this time around, she really went in, at one point going so far as to claim that Barbara only wants custody of Jace because of the money she gets from MTV. It was a low blow that didn’t entirely make sense (Barbara would likely continue to appear on the show and receive a salary, even if she lost custody of Jace.), but it’s not like Babs took the high road. In fact, Jenelle says she told the judge she has doubts about Eason’s trustworthiness (but was unable to offer any specifics as to why) and described Jenelle’s economic situation as “unstable.” Now, there are a lot or criticisms that can be fairly leveled at Jenelle Evans. (See: The aforementioned arrest record and lengthy history of substance abuse.) But it’s tough to argue that the girl’s financial situation is anything less than solid. She’s been earning a six-figure salary from MTV since before Jace entered the world, to say nothing of her many other revenue streams. Jenelle might be insane – but she’s also insanely well-off. Of course, thus far that hasn’t been enough to convince the judge that she’s capable of providing a stable environment for Jace, and that seems unlikely to change any time soon. View Slideshow: 13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know!

Jenelle Evans-Barbara Evans Custody Battle Intensifies

Jenelle Evans Flaunts Weight Loss, Shills Diet Tea

As she told us yesterday (with the help of a bikini pic, of course)  Jenelle Evans is not pregnant . In fact, she claims her belly is rapidly shrinking these days, as evidenced in the pics below: Jenelle posted those side-by-side images to Instagram today, along with the following caption: “SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: One is before my two weeks on the @flattummytea cleanse, one is after. 2 cups of tea a day (one morning, one at night), some light exercise, a little dedication and ta-da, this is the result. Very happy.” Yes, Jenelle credits the difference between the two pics to Flat Tummy Tea, a corporation whose entire marketing campaign seems to be centered on getting young female reality stars to shill their products on Instagram. Hey, we guess it’s better than that  waist training BS. If you’re thinking to yourself that it’s more than a tad ridiculous that Jenelle claims to have lost that many inches in two weeks thanks to “light exercise” and some magic tea … well you’re not alone. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans Bikini Photos: Teen Mom 2 Tease! The comments on this pic feature a wide variety of speculation as to what’s really going on here, ranging from “she’s pushing her stomach out” to “she’s actually pregnant.” Some folks even went full-Oliver Stone and and unleashed some bonkers conspiracy theories: “There’s a pic on here saying she’s not pregnant yadda yadda, but there’s no octopus tattoo, and then this,” writes one follower. “Just own up to it, you’re knocked up!” Whoa. You’re blowing our minds, juliealaine26. Don’t get us wrong, we think something’s a foot here. But we don’t think Jenelle is pregnant. Or maybe we’re just slaves to wishful thinking. Considering Ms. Evans is currently fighting two custody battles at once , we’re really, really hoping she’s not pregnant. View Slideshow: 13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know!

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Jenelle Evans Flaunts Weight Loss, Shills Diet Tea