Tag Archives: baywatch

Alexandra Daddario Tits of the Day

Alexandra Daddario and her big tits is all you need to know about these pics… Alexandra Daddario career only exists because of her big tits… She’s the big titty True Detective, turned Pam Anderson in Baywatch, all hollywood and attending important fashion events nips out…. I don’t actually know if you can see her tits, but I figure even if you can’t see the tits, you’ll be able to see the tits, because that’s how nerd fucking weirdos do…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Alexandra Daddario Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alexandra Daddario Tits of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Topless of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is an official actress now, and in being an official actress, she’s gotta maintain her body, because we all know she’s only getting these acting jobs because movies need hot pussy people want to jerk off to and if you’ve played the scene property, you can be the next Margot Robbie, Emma Stone, Jessica Alba, you know talentless garbage, decent looking sometimes, but not all that hot girls, who get all the fucking jobs…because movies need pussy…so maintain that hot pussy… And I guess she’d doing her PR by showing off her big tits, a lesson she’s learned from her friend Kate Upton, or really any basic logic any half retard who got everything in her life from her tits – knows from a young age – when getting those tits… Best known for being Pam Anderson in Baywatch movie I hope no one here watched, you depressing humans…BOYCOT that nonsense that should have never got made….but also known as a Sports Illustrated model in one issue, or more importantly Leo DiCaprio’s fake girlfriend because he’s a gay and likes keeping up this Playboy illusion, using these girls, finding one worth promoting….and then starts getting cast in Hollywood…because Weinstein isn’t the only dick that makes careers….it’s just the way it works…as much as everyone wants to fight the world and make it some Sesame Street mutually respect happy place…you still gotta fuck your way to the right meetings…otherwise why the fuck would a dude give you the time of day or help you out….because he wants to see you succeed…get fucking real you dumb fucks dot com. The post Kelly Rohrbach Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kelly Rohrbach Topless of the Day

Ho Sit Down! Blac Chyna’s Mom Goes In On Snoop & Eminem For BET Cypher [Video]

The founding mistress of Hip Hop, Tokyo Toni , has denied access to Eminem for speaking on Trump and black folks’ problems. Who in the Sam-Hell does this bird think she is? She birthed Blac Chyna, she is not relevant in Hip Hop culture because of that! Sorry!

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Ho Sit Down! Blac Chyna’s Mom Goes In On Snoop & Eminem For BET Cypher [Video]

This Terminally Ill Grandmother’s Death Bed Story Is Reason 455,301 Why The Rock Deserves ALL The Spinoffs

AEDT/WENN.com The Rock Made The Sweetest Video For A Dying Fan As if we needed any more reasons to love The Rock , he has given us yet another … Dwayne Johnson took to Instagram to talk about Judy Rosenberg, a 76-year-old mother of five and grandmother of 17 who is suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and recently entered hospice. Judy’s currently got a cardboard cutout of The Rock standing watch at her bedside but the actor was happy to make her emailed wish to receive air kisses and be called sexy by him come true! The actor captioned his video as the “this kind of stuff will always be the best part of fame.”

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This Terminally Ill Grandmother’s Death Bed Story Is Reason 455,301 Why The Rock Deserves ALL The Spinoffs

Isabelli Fontana in a Bikini of the Day

Once an exhibitionist slut, always an exhibitionist slut….Isabelli Fontana, an older model who I think go famous for being a 16 year old lingerie model for Victoria’s Secret, because Victoria’s Secret are fucking creeps, yet no one seems to really get mad at them for their creepy ways…they just buy their panties made in china…. Well, she’s still exhibiting herself for attention and it looks good, all bikini clad… I like to think she does it so I can just stare at her half naked body and cross reference it o my wife’s nude body…..usually when she’s getting out of her bath….forcing me to try to understand how the fuck they are the same species, gender or breed of animal. It almost makes no sense, I’ve see animals that look more like my wife than this…mainly pigs…and I can’t quite figure out who the freak of nature is, this Isabelli Fontana babe, or the babe pig in the city I married… The say they are both human woman….but I just can’t believe they can be the same category….it’s some alien shit. The post Isabelli Fontana in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Isabelli Fontana in a Bikini of the Day

Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day

Kaia Gerber, Cindy Crawford’s daughter who is now not only the heiress to the GERBER BABY EMPIRE, but also to George Clooney’s Tequila company that they sold for 1 billion dollars 1/3 going into her daddy’s pocket…because it pays to be Cindy Crawford’s husband, and the Heir to the Gerber baby empire, you get in with the right famous people to create silly brands for fun…and make hundreds of millions with them…. Well, despite the money, she’s still being whored out to the industry, cuz she looks good, making her a model feels right for her mom, since modeling did so well for her, and here she is in Teen Vogue…being a Teen. You like that don’t you? You fucking pervert…. Which brings up an important point….how many subscribers to Teen Vogue are teen girls, and how many are creepy perv men like you? Stats! From her social media…. The post Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day

Edie Campbell for Vogue Paris of the Day

Edie Campbell is some tranny model, at least I assume she’s a he, because of her name, in some gender neutral, girls can be named EDIE, it’s not a new thing, maybe she’s an Edith, but based on her bra size, I’m going with Edward… I don’t know who she is, what her story is, but she’s flashing her titties and I like it, because it reminds me what modeling is all about…tits. The post Edie Campbell for Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Edie Campbell for Vogue Paris of the Day

Nicole Eggert Hiking of the Day

When Baywatch is no more…and all you can see is the all you can eat buffet… When you quit the speed to stay in shape and hit the bakery… When you stop working out due to “injury”….and blow the fuck up…but not in the way you’d want your Baywatch career to take you… When you blame it on your hormones, or your thyroid, but really you’re just drinking every night….because you’re a sad broken girl who looked like this… AND NOW LIKE THIS….. Interesting, if you find hot chicks getting obese interesting, and not disgusting….when it is actually disgusting…terrifying….it may not be news that she’s fat…if you follow Nicole Eggert, but I don’t…and whenever I see pics of her, I laugh…reminded of all the hot chicks turned fat before her… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicole Eggert Hiking of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Nicole Eggert Hiking of the Day

Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day

Donna D’Errico still exists – she’s 50 and looks like this – and that in and of itself is amazing…. She’s the ex wife of Nikki Sixx, probably the mother of his kid, but most interestingly, she was a TV star…in Baywatch…hilarious…if you think about it, because all these 90s bitches, who also posed for Playboy but ended up on Baywatch “acting”…looked like low level strippers, still look like low level strippers, and to think that that was what fame was about…is weird. I guess things haven’t changed, really, the implants are more believable maybe, the looks more natural…but when these plastic, aging weird women from my past come along I remember…the world has always been so fucking cheesy…these rock and roll girls are the ratchets who fuck rappers of today – it’s same same but different…because humans are always the same uninspiring and usually disgusting bundle of gross. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day

Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy

Priyanka Chopra is in some Bangladeshi photoshoot you’d expect to see on the walls of the convenience store you buy your beer at…owned by some Bangladeshi…showcasing his daughter’s wedding or some shit… But apparently they are promo pics for the new Baywatch, that I fear people will see thanks to Marketing, but should never see, thank to it being pure fucking shit…there’s no way it will be good or worth seeing and the producers should be punished for their sins…not rewarded for a terrible idea…you know… Priyanka Chopra is the answer…Miss World / Bollywood Star / Millions of Spam Bot traffic on social media of Indian call center workers who love seeing their own succeed, it’s the only thing I can imagine is responsible for that brown comedians success…INDIA… Either way, great tits, makes me want eat vindaloo of of them….before shitting myself spicy…for the next week….Indian…goodness…in the WORSt shoot ever. I like how her NAN bread on her back is bulging out…SEXy The post Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy