Tag Archives: been-buzzing

Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of Real-Life Wedding Crashers

Must-See Gallery Of Real-Life Wedding Crashers Wedding crashing is an underrated art that’s absolutely hilarious to the average person mostly because it’s not their wedding being crashed (and somewhat ruined) by uninvited guests thirsty for Internet fame . Hit the flip for a collection of real-life wedding crashers.

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Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of Real-Life Wedding Crashers

Beysus Season? Funniest Reactions To Beyonce’s Rumored New Album

Hilarious Reactions To Queen Bey’s Rumored Surprise Album The internet has been buzzing over a not-so-surprise Beyonce album (reportedly) slated to drop on November 14th (and likely break Twitter again). Naturally, BeyHive members fainted, suffered panic attacks and even tweeted in tongues–the usual–while everyone else braced ourselves for another YASSS-filled Beysus season. Hit the flip for the funniest reactions to Bey’s rumored new album.

Read more here:
Beysus Season? Funniest Reactions To Beyonce’s Rumored New Album

Bubbling… for women!

The Internet has recently been buzzing with the way one Mormon man bypasses the “thou shall not look at porn” rule of his religion with a technique called bubbling. We’re all about equal rights here at Bite Daily so here’s some bubbling images of men for our readers who prefer to ogle members of the more testosteron-ey sex link: http://www.bite.ca/bitedaily/2010/09/bubbling-for-women/ added by: romanswietlik

Kate Hudson Denies Wedding Rumors

Kate Hudson is finally speaking about her romance with A-Rod. The internet has been buzzing that the two are betrothed, but we debunked the ring rumor once. And now, Kate speaks: