Tag Archives: been-obsessed

Outrageous… Harry Reid Says Republicans Want to Put “Arsenic and Mercury” in the Water (Video)


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Disgusting. Harry Reid is at it again. The Majority Leader said yesterday Republicans want to put “arsenic and mercury” into the nation’s water. This comes two weeks after calling for “common ground.” Now Reid is claiming that Republicans want to … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 07/02/2012 20:00 Number of articles : 2

Outrageous… Harry Reid Says Republicans Want to Put “Arsenic and Mercury” in the Water (Video)

Labyrinth Ear: Amber (Video Premiere)


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Labyrinth Ear celebrate the release of their Apparitions EP by releasing the video for Amber, a track which we shared here along with some remixes, and I’ve been obsessed with ever since! Watch it below and pick up the brand new EP on Amazon or iTunes. I got my copy! Labyrinth Ear – Amber from oof video on Vimeo. Labyrinth Ear: Amber (Video Premiere) via Hard Candy . Tell us what you think on Twitter… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : HardCandyMusic.com Discovery Date : 07/02/2012 20:56 Number of articles : 2

Labyrinth Ear: Amber (Video Premiere)

Elizabeth Hurley Is A Perfect Woman

Now that she’s engaged once again to some douche who isn’t me, I call dibs on the next one, I’ve kind of lost interest in Elizabeth Hurley . Her gorgeous face, soft skin and incredible MILF body just don’t seem to do it for me any more… Aw who am I kidding? I’m in love with this woman and will be until her age finally catches up to her. Here she is looking as beautiful as ever at some event yesterday. Does the new guy she’s marrying even have his own blog? I DON’T THINK SO!!

Lucy Pinder’s Awesome Twitter Cleavage

This is what I like to see at the end of a busy blogging day, Lucy Pinder giving me the sexy eyes in nothing but a flannel shirt. Hot. I’ve been obsessed with this woman’s breasts for years now and I haven’t seen her in a while so I’m kinda happy right now. I almost forgot how great these puppies are, they’re spectacular. In case you’re wondering how I know I’m happy, it’s not because I’ve got a warm fuzzy feeling inside or anything silly like that, it’s because of this raging erection. Good times.

Emma Watson in a See Through Dress at the Harry Potter Premiere of the Day

I would have posted these pictures if she was wearing a fucking snow suit. Not because I like Emma Watson or think she’s hot, but because you do. See this is my scam to get people to the site cuz I know that there are millions of Harry Potter fans, who have been obsessed with the shit since the first movie, and who live and breathe the shit in anticipation for the sequels, making a lot of people fucking rich. I also know that those same perverts pretty much watched Emma Watson grow up, thinking “she’s gonna be hot when she’s older” to justify the fact that they were jerking off to a 12 year old and they still haven’t stopped cuz that loyalty justifies the dirty things they did to themselves while watching a little kid in action….the beauty of the Sci-fi and Fantasy club is the loyalty those motherfuckers have to the things their socially awkward, nerdy asses find cool. So here she is for the nerds…

Emma Watson in a See Through Dress at the Harry Potter Premiere of the Day

Chantelle Houghton Showing Off Tits of the Day

Here’s some more UK trash….I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with the paparazzi but they’ve been obsessed with these British tramps and I have no choice but to post the shit because I have a love/hate relationship with tramps….which makes me a hypocrite because I hate fake tits and I hate bitches in general, especially when they are whores who get fake tits, but love when these bitches show them off and really love when they let me touch them for 10 dollars a song….making for very abusive relationships with girls like this because I just view them as useless whores…but love getting my dick dirtied by them and the whole thing is fucking confusing to me….and it doesn’t matter…what does matter is why the fuck this bitch Chatelle Houghton is still in the media when all she did was Big Brother UK 10 years ago…it’s a little ridiculous when she should be forgotten but I guess it just shows you what kind of trash lives in the UK and here are some pics… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Chantelle Houghton Showing Off Tits of the Day

Amy Winehouse…Making A Comeback?

Amy Winehouse is making some changes.