I would have posted these pictures if she was wearing a fucking snow suit. Not because I like Emma Watson or think she’s hot, but because you do. See this is my scam to get people to the site cuz I know that there are millions of Harry Potter fans, who have been obsessed with the shit since the first movie, and who live and breathe the shit in anticipation for the sequels, making a lot of people fucking rich. I also know that those same perverts pretty much watched Emma Watson grow up, thinking “she’s gonna be hot when she’s older” to justify the fact that they were jerking off to a 12 year old and they still haven’t stopped cuz that loyalty justifies the dirty things they did to themselves while watching a little kid in action….the beauty of the Sci-fi and Fantasy club is the loyalty those motherfuckers have to the things their socially awkward, nerdy asses find cool. So here she is for the nerds…

Emma Watson in a See Through Dress at the Harry Potter Premiere of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged beach, been-obsessed, bikini sluts, celeb news, daddy, dirty-things, Emma Watson, Harry Potter, Hollywood, private-schools, stars, uncle-russell, underwear