Texas Cop Assaults Hispanic 8th Grade Girl A Texas officer was caught on tape striking a 14-year-old girl in the face multiple times before putting her in cuffs outside a San Antonio Quinceanera party. The girl on the video was taken into juvenile detention on a criminal charge of assaulting a public servant and was released back to her parents on Monday. According to My San Antonio , the girl’s lawyer explained that the girl is an honor-roll student at her middle school with no history of violence on her record, and it’s plain as day that she did NOT assault the officer. House said one officer can be seen in the video “clear as day” striking the girl. The cop in question arrested the girl for assaulting an officer, but the video does not appear to depict the young girl raising her hands to him at all before catching two or three fists from the grown man to her face. SMH!!! Texas is really becoming a hotbed for this shady cop activity . Sadly, incidents like this one aren’t even shocking anymore. Let’s see if this cop faces any real disciplinary action… YouTube/Splash
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Another One: Texas Cop Caught On Camera Punching 14-Year-Old Latina Girl In The Face Repeatedly Before Arresting HER For Assault