Tag Archives: behind-the-body

Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day

I don’t know who any of these Surfer Girls are but they have their wet suits bodypainted on. The dude behind the body painting is ROUSTAN and this video is going pretty fucking viral – for a reason I call naked girls….half naked girls…pretty much naked tits bouncing like they are naked…because they are naked…on the beach…doing something we’d all like doing if our idea of surfing…wasn’t cruising the internet for girls like this who are actually living… I guess what it comes down to is that girls are better when they are naked, half naked, or painted… The post Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day

Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day

I don’t know who any of these Surfer Girls are but they have their wet suits bodypainted on. The dude behind the body painting is ROUSTAN and this video is going pretty fucking viral – for a reason I call naked girls….half naked girls…pretty much naked tits bouncing like they are naked…because they are naked…on the beach…doing something we’d all like doing if our idea of surfing…wasn’t cruising the internet for girls like this who are actually living… I guess what it comes down to is that girls are better when they are naked, half naked, or painted… The post Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Surfer Girls in Body Painted Wet Suits of the Day