Tag Archives: behind-the-most

Liam Hemsworth: DUMPING Miley Cyrus Over Dog Poop??

So, Miley Cyrus is a big ol’ slob, and her sometimes-boyfriend, sometimes-fiance Liam Hemsworth can’t take it anymore. According to Life & Style , the singer routinely fails to clean up the waste of her numerous dogs, cats, rabbits and, IDK, meerkats? The girl’s got a lot of animals. Not only that, she basically treats her Hidden Hills mansion like a frat house. “There’s dog poop and pee everywhere, old food, pizza boxes, takeout containers, fast-food wrappers and dirty dishes piled up,” a source told the magazine. And what frat house is complete without the distinct scent of eau de bong water? “The combination of all that mixed with the constant weed-smoking and the bong-water spills makes the place smell horrible,” the source continued. Can we get an ad for Febreeze in here, guys?  Gotta work that product placement. Unfortunately, it sounds as though even the world’s strongest air freshener won’t help Messy Miley, and Liam has given her an ultimatum: Clean it up, or we’re dunzo! Will Miley comply? The odd thing about this story is that even if Miley is disgusting and treats her home like a spacious, overpriced dumpster, we’re pretty sure she employs a housekeeper or twelve. We wouldn’t want this person’s job, but we can’t imagine Miley’s house could get all that rank when she’s got a clean-up crew following her around with a rag and a can of Lysol. Earlier this month, Liam confirmed that he and Miley were not engaged , but the pair basically announced they were back together a few weeks ago. They appeared in public together during a lunch date in LA  amid rumors that they had rekindled their relationship over the new year. We don’t believe Liam’s really that upset over a messy house.  He’s dating Miley Cyrus, which in and of itself is a testament to the man’s unbelievable tolerance. View Slideshow: Miley Cyrus’ Weirdest Instagram Photos

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Liam Hemsworth: DUMPING Miley Cyrus Over Dog Poop??

Rob Kardashian Responds to Kylie Jenner-Blac Chyna Truce!

Yesterday, Kylie Jenner and Blac Chyna ended their longtime feud, shocking some fans while disappointing others who were mightily entertained by the constant drama. We may or may not fall into the latter category. While the ladies may or may not have been thrilled about it, they ultimately decided to bury their beef for the sake of Rob Kardashian. Being Kylie’s brother and Blac’s finace, the sock designer is tickled pink that the two have made nice. He took to Instagram to share the selfie Kylie and Blac shot (pictured above) and expressed his glee. “So happy my girls finally got to talk and make peace! #MyFamily #AllLove,” he wrote in the caption. If you ask us, the expression on their faces reads more, “I’ma snatch that wig off your head if you look at me sideways” than “I LOVE you, sis!” but it’s a start. Kylie shared a similar selfie to Snapchat yesterday and included a caption no one bought. “When we’ve been best friends the whole time..” she wrote. Blac reciprocated by posting a face swap pic with Kylie, writing  “Hanging out with my lil sis.” Well, this is all super special. Next we’ll see Rob and Blac and Kylie and Tyga laughing and talking Lamborghinis on a double date at Chili’s. The mastermind behind the most trivial peace summit on earth was none other than the selfie queen herself, Kim Kardashian . Sources say Kim had her brother’s happiness in mind when she called up her former BFF Blac for a heart-to-heart. She convinced Blac to put her issues with Kylie behind her, which led to the now-renowned bestie selfie. Now, if we can just get Kim to do the same for Israel and Palestine, we’ll be golden.  View Slideshow: Kardashians React to Rob and Blac Chyna’s Engagement News

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Rob Kardashian Responds to Kylie Jenner-Blac Chyna Truce!

BabyMama Drama: Young Dro’s Ex Responds To Him Talking About Her On “FDB” And Says He’s On Drugs!!!

Earlier this week Young Dro opened up to our homies at The Breakfast Club morning show about his struggles with his daughter’s mother and how they inspired his current hit “FDB”. Dro accused his daughter’s mother of keeping him out of his child’s life and exposing her to a gay lifestyle (she’s currently in a relationship with another woman). Earlier today the woman who the song is allegedly about reached out to BOSSIP exclusively to clear the air. Here’s what she had to say. Hi, I’m not sure if this email will truly reach you guys, but I feel it’s still worth trying. Ok, so let me introduce myself, my name is Tamika and I am the inspiration behind the most blatantly disrespectful song out to date. I feel that i should say something because I have been quiet about this since this song became the “babymomma anthem” since it’s release. I am tired of hearing his fabricated interviews using me as the backdrop or storyline to FDB, It’s ridiculous. Yes it’s been 2 years not 3 as he stated that he has seen his little girl. Djuans whole segment on the FDB IS COMPLETELY FABRICATED. He lies so much ITS SICKENING,the only time he is not lying is when his mouth is SHUT. I Have lived in the same house for 7 years and NOT ONCE IN THE 2 YEARS HAS HE DROVE TO SEE HIS DAUGHTER(wheres the effort?) We live 30 mins away! I am not the typical “babymamma” that witholds the child for personal vindictive reasons. I have moved on and so has he. Dro has chosen NOT to complete the rehab treatment center he was in which was our agreement. My reasons for suspending his unsupervised visits in his home is about safety amongst other reasons that are through no fault but his own. I won’t go into details of the choice of drug(s) (let’s just say it ain’t the color green)because I respect my daughter enough not to completely air out our dirty laundry(and I’m ITCHING to do it) because at the end of the day that’s still her father and she has to live with this. I am just SICK AND TIRED of his lame a$$ interviews slandering me for entertaining purposes!! I needed to get that off my chest. FYI My gf and I got together long after Dro and I broke up. My girlfriend has been more of a Parent/Man in these last 2 years than he has Ever been in our daughters entire life. Sick and Tired of the Lies, Tamika Now Dro admitted in the same interview to abusing kush and molly… So is his daughter’s mother saying he’s doing worse? What would you do if you were in this situation? Would you allow your daughter around a rapper father who isn’t even going the distance to make visits in the first place? Hit the flip for more photos

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BabyMama Drama: Young Dro’s Ex Responds To Him Talking About Her On “FDB” And Says He’s On Drugs!!!