Tag Archives: being-entitled

Emmy Rossum Living the American Dream of the Day

Emmy Rossum is the fucking worst…and I find her tribute to America offensive.. Sure she’s recently married because she’s probably knocked up, that’s why she got married so don’t use the bikinis, use the one piece, and if you want to see her tits cross reference her whoring for TV on Shameless, the show that created her….but it’s still like taking a huge shit on America and her fans not that I’d know, since she’s blocked me on all social media for being a troll, because that’s my American dream….a dream that doesn’t include Emmy Rossum, because she’s not that hot..I deserve better. Nice American Flag Suit you clickbait slut… The post Emmy Rossum Living the American Dream of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emmy Rossum Living the American Dream of the Day

Olivia Munn Dives DEEP of the Day

Olivia Munn is the worst the American Dream has to offer… She went from hosting some bullshit – to being in blockbusters – all because she intended for that to happen, all part of her networking and hustle, because her average at best looks were as good as Hollywood needed because Hollywood doesn’t really like super fucking hot…. She played the nerd for the nerds when really she had her sights on the nerds who run Hollywood, the geeky socially awkward rich Jewish men who love Sci/Fi and who got into entertainment to get paid and laid, as women, hot women want fame so bad…that they’ll seduce anything…easily… She’s garbage, manipulative, but doing better than her life as a cocktail waitress… The post Olivia Munn Dives DEEP of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Olivia Munn Dives DEEP of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is a survivor…from rich kid with very famous parents who has access to the good life in both NEW YORK and LA and I guess wherever else she wants to go because they have the resources to take good care of her…yet she’s still a fucking mess…because being a rich kid with everything is hard…all that inner torment of never being quite as good as your parents…coupled with being entitled and garbage….makes for a really sad time, especially when her cousin is winning at life and she’s just putting together lame shoots with other lame chicks hoping their time comes….while creepy perverts like you cum…young, tormented, sad, big tits…erotic. I only like her because she’s blocked me on everything and Ilove when girls hate me… At least the puppy is cute… The post Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is a survivor…from rich kid with very famous parents who has access to the good life in both NEW YORK and LA and I guess wherever else she wants to go because they have the resources to take good care of her…yet she’s still a fucking mess…because being a rich kid with everything is hard…all that inner torment of never being quite as good as your parents…coupled with being entitled and garbage….makes for a really sad time, especially when her cousin is winning at life and she’s just putting together lame shoots with other lame chicks hoping their time comes….while creepy perverts like you cum…young, tormented, sad, big tits…erotic. I only like her because she’s blocked me on everything and Ilove when girls hate me… At least the puppy is cute… The post Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ireland Baldwin Photoshoot of the Day

Greer Grammer Bikini Party of the Day

Greer Grammer is a little celebrity rich kid who I want to fuck of the day – and despite doing her own acting thing, or bikini whoring on the social media…I am into her.. I’m not sure if it is becuase Frasier was a coked up whore loving Hollywood sitcom star, that makes me appreciate the vagina his sperm helped created, or maybe I just like that she’s less vocal or popular than all the other celebrity kids doing the instagram model thing after fucking the Bieber…like Haley Baldwin…you know… Celebrity kids are pretty top tier in spoiled, living the good life, being entitled, all while trying to break free from their parents, while riding their parents name hard, and it’s a dynamic I like jerking off to… Interesting party though… The post Greer Grammer Bikini Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Greer Grammer Bikini Party of the Day

Rihanna in a Bikini in Rio of the Day

Rihanna is in Rio for the World Cup, and along with posting anti Israel statements, because Rihanna is well versed and educated on political situations that she keeps on top of while on the road smoking tons of weed and partying. You know taking a stance on something people on both sides of the fence are overly sensitive about…. She’s taken some time out of her political life to show her ass in a bikini…because that’s what you do when you’re fighting war using your celebrity on twitter…you strip down and get wet in some dirty sewer water… You know to really put yourself out there….which I think is far better look for her that trying to pretend to be intelligent. She dropped out school at 14 to be a vapid pop star puppet…maybe she should stick to that life choice…not because what she said was right or wrong..but because people should focus on what they are good at…or what they get paid for. There’s nothing worse that an entitled bitch being entitled because she is confusing people like her songs and dance with liking her or anything she’s about… I guess, Rihanna is the shit stain on the music industry…a shit stain I’d like to lick off…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Rihanna in a Bikini in Rio of the Day