Katt Williams Apologizes To Kevin Hart, Calls Out Chris Rock Instead Katt Williams is having quite an interesting week , to say the least. From an arrest , to being involved in two assaults , and igniting a one-sided feud with Kevin Hart , the comedian seems to have been causing chaos right and left. Today, after letting the dust setttle a little on his string of bizarre behavior, Katt took to the Big Tigger show in Atlanta to apologize to Tigger and publicly to Kevin for the comments he made — shortly before stirring up even more isht with an even bigger name comedian. Peep the clip below Katt and Tigger get right into it at the 2:06 mark : “I also want to humbly apologize to Kevin Hart. The fact that he’s a black male like me, and the fact that I attacked him with such vitriol, at such a time when our country is already divided in every way it could be divided, racially, politically, economically, socially, religiously. The fact that I, while being on stage pretending to be higher than that, would then stoop down and try to embarrass Kevin Hart in front of his children and loved ones, after all the work he’s done since 2002, is just regrettable on my part, so I humbly apologize to, not only Kevin Hart, but to Hartbeat Productions, the Plastic Cup Boys, and anyone associated with Kevin Hart.” “Having said that, I didn’t make a total mistake. I meant to cut the snake, but I meant to cut the head of the snake. So my special will no longer be in Philly, it will be in New York at the Barclays, where I cut off the head of Chris Rock: Stepin Fetchit Coon Number One.” WOW…now if Kevin Hart didn’t dignify Katt’s insults with much of a response, what makes him think Chris Rock will accept a challenge or issue a clapback??? V-103 / YouTube
The rest is here:
Katt Williams Apologizes To Kevin Hart — But Calls Chris Rock “Stepin Fetchit Coon #1” [Video]