Tori, you should have married up. Tori Spelling’s Husband Abandons Her Dean, you don’t abandon your wife just because you’re broke as a joke. According to Hollywood Life: Dean often did the family cooking, and now that he’s out of the picture, Tori is reportedly buying fast food for her children multiple times a week. “Tori’s been feeding her kids lots of junk food from McDonald’s because she’s too lazy to cook,” a source tells EXCLUSIVELY. “She’s use to Dean doing all the cooking and now that he’s gone, her kids are nutritionally suffering. She refuses to learn how to cook. She goes to McDonald’s and other fast food places multiple times a week. She even sends her assistants out to pick up a treasure trove of fries for her kids. It’s just sad.” Poor Tori! She’s obviously feeling overwhelmed after Dean reportedly abandoned her with their kids: Finn, 16 months, Hattie, 2, Liam, 6, and Stella, 5. Perhaps she should find someone to help take care of them during this difficult time. Dean left after he and Tori had a blow out fight about Emily Goodhand‘s claim that she had sex with Tori’s husband, according to Star magazine. The fight was all about Tori wanting to keep tabs on him. “He’s furious that Tori is trying to monitor his cell phone, demanding he have a curfew and treating him like a child,” a source told the site. “Dean and Tori had a nuclear fight [about it], and Dean is staying at a buddy’s house, drinking and being irresponsible like some sort of overgrown frat boy.” She’s probably better off without him.
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In White Folks News: Tori Spelling’s Ain’t Isht Husband Abandons Her With Their Four Kids!!