Tag Archives: bored to death

HBO Cancels Hung, How to Make It In America, Bored to Death [PICS]

Sad news for fans of Rebecca Creskoff and Lake Bell : you’ll never get to see them naked again…on their HBO shows, anyway. The cable network announced yesterday that after a subpar season for both series, they are canceling Hung and How to Make It in America , along with the Jason Schwartzman / Ilsa Fisher comedy Bored to Death . Hung and Bored to Death both saw their ratings drop by over half this year- 2.31 million people tuned in for the Hung Season 2 finale last year, while a relatively small 930,000 stuck around ’til the end of season 3. Similarly, Bored to Death saw a sharp drop from an average 1.1 million viewers per episode in season 2 to an average 240,000 for this year’s season 3. [Guess it really was boring.- SC] On the other hand, How to Make It in America was never really able to gather the following that propelled the similar HBO series Entourage through eight seasons; even as Lake Bell’ s nude debut spurred an (ahem) swell of interest here at Mr. Skin, the series topped out at 560,000 viewers per episode. In comparison, Game of Thrones was considered HBO’s breakout success this year; the season 1 finale drew 3.9 million viewers for its initial airing, with an average 8.3 million people taking in each episode across DVR, HBO GO, and regular ol’ cable. Are you bummed about Hung ? Wish How to Make It had made it? Or are you just looking forward to whatever nude tricks HBO has up its sleeve? Let us know in the comments!

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HBO Cancels Hung, How to Make It In America, Bored to Death [PICS]

Will Sony Play the Karate Kid Card in its Oscar War Vs. King’s Speech?

As noted in today’s edition of The Broadsheet, a writer at VF. com has made a compelling (or at least intriguing, or at least time-killing) case for The King’s Speech being little more than a well-produced riff on the original 1984 version of The Karate Kid . On the one hand, tropes is tropes; there are only so many original stories in the world, and eventually everything will have something in common. On the other… I mean, “The unorthodox, uncredentialed teacher is contrasted with a cruel — but more respected — educator.” Or, “The teacher helps fill a void left by the student’s absent father.” Is this the beginning of a covert Sony vs. Weinstein Oscar-season war?

See the rest here:
Will Sony Play the Karate Kid Card in its Oscar War Vs. King’s Speech?

The 25 Funniest TV Characters of 2010

Before Movieline flees for the new year, one last year-end roundup is necessary: a retrospective of 2010’s funniest TV characters. Will Community ‘s kooks outrank Modern Family ‘s earnest in-laws? Will Parks and Recreation or Glee supplant 30 Rock for top honors? Join us for our biggest list yet.

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The 25 Funniest TV Characters of 2010