Tag Archives: bring-the-left

Left Wing Nation Magazine: Schoolteachers ‘Exclude Progressive Ideas and Viewpoints’

The folks at the far-left Nation Magazine have finally figured out the problem that continues to plague the American education system: it’s dominated by right-wingers! Seriously. That’s what they think. Or at least what they’re claiming. A spokesman for the Nation whined to the Daily Caller’s Chris Moody about a supposed “tendency for classes to exclude progressive ideas and viewpoints.” Most people who have ever set foot in a classroom are now scratching their heads in confusion. Moody reported: “The real idea behind it is to bring the left perspective to issues to make sure students have both left and right available to them,” the Nation’s Vice President of Circulation Art Stupar told TheDC. “This is an opportunity for students to view what the progressive left thinks about a particular issue.” The liberal magazine sends online curriculum guides each week to teachers that include experts from the magazine, talking points about current events and suggested discussion topics for the classroom. The guides are a part of the magazine’s “learning packs,” which offer educators access to its archives dating back to shortly after the Civil War. “In this year of economic uncertainty and critical mid-term elections, the corporate-owned media will not be offering lessons about: our rigged political system; the conservative crusade against Muslims; the phony ‘panic’ over debt; vets abandoned by the VA; taxes and the Tea Party and much, much more,” read the magazine’s announcement for the new school year, which begins today for many students around the country. Let’s see. College professors give money to Democrats over Republicans by a greater than 7-1 margin . Ninety-six percent of teachers’ unions political contributions since 1990 have gone to Democrats. And this is the industry the Nation claims is suffering from a tragic deficit of leftist thought. Of course those numbers are not surprising to anyone who is, you know, paying attention. And those willing to acknowledge reality will not need to look at the NEA’s balance sheet to recognize the sheer absurdity of the premises underlying the Nation’s campaign. National Review publisher Jack Fowler, who called the Nation’s effort “laughable,” clearly has a firm grasp on reality. “We have no outreach to the three conservative professors that there are,” he told the DC.

Read more from the original source:
Left Wing Nation Magazine: Schoolteachers ‘Exclude Progressive Ideas and Viewpoints’