Tag Archives: national-review

Republican Party Platform to Call For Constitutional Ban on Abortion, No Exception For Rape

Draft language for the official 2012 Republican Party platform reportedly includes support for a constitutional ban on abortion without exclusions. In other words, abortions would not be permitted even in cases of rape or incest. The news comes amid the ongoing Todd Akin legitimate rape controversy and calls for the GOP Senate candidate to drop out of the race. Akin, who opposes all abortions, remarked that rape victims rarely get pregnant because the female body finds ways to “shut that whole thing down.” The GOP Congressman running against Sen. Claire McCaskill has faced calls to abandon his campaign from both parties after making the comment. Despite the firestorm Akin ignited, leaked details on the Republican party’s position reveal that nationally, Republicans generally agree with him: “Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,” the GOP platform states. “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.” Kirk Cameron would definitely approve … but what about the GOP standard-bearer? Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign moved swiftly to distance itself from Akin’s remarks. His spokesman Andrea Saul said: “Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” Yet the statement is a departure from Ryan’s, which has been that abortion should only be legal in cases where the life of the mother is at risk. Ryan sponsored a fetal personhood bill, which would effectively criminalize abortion and some forms of birth control without exceptions for rape victims. Romney personally told the National Review this week, “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong.” “Like millions of other Americans, we found them to be offensive.” Should Akin drop out? Election 2012 :

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Republican Party Platform to Call For Constitutional Ban on Abortion, No Exception For Rape

SCREECHING LEFTIST GOONS Try to Storm Romney Speech (Video)


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Screeching Obamabots try to storm a Mitt Romney event in Philadelphia tonight. As you watch this ask yourself, “Do these people really not understand why they are not allowed inside?” National Review reported: Progressive activists stormed the Franklin Institute this … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 17/04/2012 02:43 Number of articles : 2

SCREECHING LEFTIST GOONS Try to Storm Romney Speech (Video)

Mark Levin: Christine O’Donnell is ‘Smart to Bypass’ Sunday Talk Shows

Conservative radio host Mark Levin thinks Delaware Republican senatorial nominee Christine O’Donnell is “smart to bypass” the Sunday talk shows she was scheduled to appear on this week. As the Associated Press reported Saturday, O’Donnell canceled her appearances on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and FNC’s “Fox News Sunday”: Campaign spokeswoman Diana Banister cited scheduling conflicts and said O’Donnell needed to return to Delaware for commitments to church events and afternoon picnic with Republicans in a key county where she has solid backing.  Sunday morning, Levin told his Facebook followers this was a good decision: Christine O’Donnell is smart to bypass these shows and the O’Donnell-hating media. All they’ll do is try to rip her with cherry-picked clips and the rest. They’ll use Rove, Krauthammer, Weekly Standard, National Review, Powerline, Castle, etc., quotes against her. She owes them nothing. Her goal is to get elected. Now that she’s raised nearly $2 million, she can tell the voters who she is and what she believes, rather than subjecting herself to the frenzy and bias of the media which clearly seek her personal destruction.  As the media are in a full-court press to dig up dirt on Tuesday’s surprise winner, it seems a metaphysical certitude they’ll attack her no matter what she does. With this in mind, was this a good decision on O’Donnell’s part, or are political candidates better served to face the press regardless of their biases? 

Here is the original post:
Mark Levin: Christine O’Donnell is ‘Smart to Bypass’ Sunday Talk Shows

Left Wing Nation Magazine: Schoolteachers ‘Exclude Progressive Ideas and Viewpoints’

The folks at the far-left Nation Magazine have finally figured out the problem that continues to plague the American education system: it’s dominated by right-wingers! Seriously. That’s what they think. Or at least what they’re claiming. A spokesman for the Nation whined to the Daily Caller’s Chris Moody about a supposed “tendency for classes to exclude progressive ideas and viewpoints.” Most people who have ever set foot in a classroom are now scratching their heads in confusion. Moody reported: “The real idea behind it is to bring the left perspective to issues to make sure students have both left and right available to them,” the Nation’s Vice President of Circulation Art Stupar told TheDC. “This is an opportunity for students to view what the progressive left thinks about a particular issue.” The liberal magazine sends online curriculum guides each week to teachers that include experts from the magazine, talking points about current events and suggested discussion topics for the classroom. The guides are a part of the magazine’s “learning packs,” which offer educators access to its archives dating back to shortly after the Civil War. “In this year of economic uncertainty and critical mid-term elections, the corporate-owned media will not be offering lessons about: our rigged political system; the conservative crusade against Muslims; the phony ‘panic’ over debt; vets abandoned by the VA; taxes and the Tea Party and much, much more,” read the magazine’s announcement for the new school year, which begins today for many students around the country. Let’s see. College professors give money to Democrats over Republicans by a greater than 7-1 margin . Ninety-six percent of teachers’ unions political contributions since 1990 have gone to Democrats. And this is the industry the Nation claims is suffering from a tragic deficit of leftist thought. Of course those numbers are not surprising to anyone who is, you know, paying attention. And those willing to acknowledge reality will not need to look at the NEA’s balance sheet to recognize the sheer absurdity of the premises underlying the Nation’s campaign. National Review publisher Jack Fowler, who called the Nation’s effort “laughable,” clearly has a firm grasp on reality. “We have no outreach to the three conservative professors that there are,” he told the DC.

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Left Wing Nation Magazine: Schoolteachers ‘Exclude Progressive Ideas and Viewpoints’

Rush Limbaugh Responds to JournoLister Wishing His Death

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has responded to reports that an NPR producer wrote gleefully about his death in an e-mail message to the now infamous JournoList. As NewsBusters reported Wednesday, the Daily Caller’s Jonathan Strong published some more of the liberal group’s e-mail messages which included Sarah Spitz claiming that she would “Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out” as Limbaugh writhed in torment. With this in mind, both the Washington Examiner’s Byron York and myself asked Limbaugh for a response to this nonsense.  First, here’s what Limbaugh told York: I can only surmise. I think most people on the left live in a world where merit is irrelevant. Theirs is a world in which connections, networking, kissing ass and obedient sameness are rewarded. I am the antithesis of all that. I am a legitimate, achieved and accomplished Number One and I’ve made it on my own and without them and without having followed their proscriptions. I think they are also jealous that I just sold my NY condo for a 125 percent profit while their homes are worthlessly underwater. Funny thing….a number of my friends sent me the Daily Caller piece and the most shocking thing to them in the story was the advocacy of having government shut down Fox News. That the left wants me dead was not a big deal to them because it was nothing new to them. I think that’s hilarious. And about that: how about the LAW professor who thinks the FCC can pull Fox’s license? Fox does not have a license. The FCC does not grant Fox its right to exist. And this guy teaches law. Moments after York’s piece was published, I asked Limbaugh via e-mail if there was anything he wanted to add. This was his response: And it is not just that they hate how I became who I am. They literally hate ME. They hate me because I am the most prominent, effective and unrelenting voice of conservatism and they have not been able to stop me. These people and their tactics are not new, we’ve seen them before in other countries and other times. They want to destroy contrary and opposition voices and views. They will climb over the law and the people to achieve their aims. Earlier in this administration, the president and his hacks targeted me, his party targeted me and their groups targeted me. They are all the same. They are leftists, disguised as lawyers, judges, scholars, professors, teachers, reporters, anchors, senators, representatives, legislative aids, congressional staff, federal bureaucrats, etc. There is NO Media. We know that now. There is just an incestuous relationship among all these various groups and a revolving door connecting them all. Indeed. NewsBusters has been  reporting  for years politicians transferring to news outlets and vice versa, which clearly facilitates the – ahem – incest. This supports Limbaugh’s view that there isn’t an independent mainstream press anymore for they all seem connected to the Democrat Party in one way or another. Scary thought, isn’t it?  

Rush Limbaugh Responds to JournoLister Wishing His Death