Tag Archives: caameron-diaz

Cameron Diaz Creepy in Love with a Clown of the Day

It is debatable whether Cameron Diaz is one of the hottest actresses, or whether she was one of the hottest actresses….. It is debatable whether Caameron Diaz is a talented actress, but in her defence, acting requires 90 percent ego/confidence and 10 percent ability to not think you’re an asshole playing make-belief. But one thing that is for sure…is that this relationship with a bro, we call them cheese dicks, up on some male Avril Lavigne, was in a band for a minute in the 90s, probably one of the worst bands, that I assume is huge in South American or some reason….makes no sense…. I mean we can assume that his drop crotch pants are to house a massive penis that she is blinded by, or maybe, he’s just a master manipulator, I mean he must be for even having a record label invest in his suburban mall garbage…. But now he’s taken his brainwashing skills to a nice, lean, very successful actress, I’m talking one of the richest actresses around, and he’s tapped into her insecurities and has made her feel secure, like she can trust him old friend… So instead of dating a dot com billionaire, or any exec, who dresses like an adult…and who isn’t using his 10 million dollar or less fortune as a door opener to her fortune….so that he can K-Fed her…only let’s be honest, K-fed had more fucking swag…. She’s married to this, and based on this pic she’s creepily smiling and obsessed with him…like a kid trying to understand a circus clown….only in this case she married him and will probably have his kids… I don’t care when a hot girl, even when she’s old and washed up herself, marries or fucks some clown….I don’t care who or what girls in my actual life put in them….and I don’t care that this is going down…but I do find it intriguing…hilarious…awkward…confusing…but I guess it all boils down to a broken girl…with dreams of real love and a guy who sees a babe and dollar signs who accepts his Paris Hilton parasites…..in this incestuous…celebrity…mental disorder world… The post Cameron Diaz Creepy in Love with a Clown of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Cameron Diaz Creepy in Love with a Clown of the Day