Tag Archives: call-the-first

Coupled Up And Bustin’ Out: Kim K Lets Them Thangs Breathe In A Velvet Adult Onesie On Date Night With Yeezy

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Have A Date Night Out Just when we thought Kanye had out done his colossal-caked honeybun in the ‘WTF’ fashion department, Yeezy steps out in…….wait for it……regular clothes. Mr. West and his reality star sidekick were spotted out on a dinner date at Hakkasan restaurant with the rest of the Kardashian clan with Kim rocking a one-piece black velvet get up and Kanye in men’s jeans, a blazer and a t-shirt. Are you feelin’ these get ups? SplashNews

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Coupled Up And Bustin’ Out: Kim K Lets Them Thangs Breathe In A Velvet Adult Onesie On Date Night With Yeezy

T.I. Calls Highlights Of The Heat/Hawks Game [VIDEO]

It’s good to be The King T.I. Calls The First Half Of The Hawks Vs. Heat Game Last night, the kang of the south got his Bob Costas on as he got to call the first half of the game between LeBron James and the Heat and his hometown Atlanta Hawks. T.I. spoke with Fox Sports shortly before the game and talked about how excited he was to call the game. Read more at Hip Hop Wired

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T.I. Calls Highlights Of The Heat/Hawks Game [VIDEO]

First Lady Makeover: Michelle Obama Gets Sexy

If it’s somehow inappropriate, offensive or in any way wrong to call the First Lady of the United States sexy … we apologize. And we don’t wanna be right! Michelle Obama got a makeover over the weekend, as you can see. Speaking about her Let’s Move childhood obesity initiative at Fairhill Elementary School in Philadelphia, Michelle wore one of her traditional ensembles Friday. But the next day, previewing the Governor’s Ball performances, she changed things up with a sexier Jason Wu dress, a crisscross top and sleeker, sassier bob. What do you think of the First Lady’s transformation? Check out the Michelle Obama pictures showing both looks, then vote in our survey below and tell us! Which Michelle Obama fashion statement is your favorite?

See the rest here:
First Lady Makeover: Michelle Obama Gets Sexy