Tag Archives: cash-settlement

Hailey Clauson for Stone Cold Fox of the Day

I didn’t really watch this brand video for a clothing company I’ve never heard of…because I am a busy man…busy doing useless shit like looking for the next post, hoping it is better than this smut…but busy nevertheless…some people chase the high, I chase doing the bare minimum so I can go back to bed and nap…. That said, it is set to a song one of the hottest strippers I fell in love with when I was 19 used to dance to….it was her slow song, or as I called it, the song I saw her pussy…her name was Gabrielle, she probably got deported, which serves her right for taking my 19 year old money, without actually fucking me…all this to say Gabrielle taught me a lot about women… And I guess in a lot of ways Hailey Cluason perpetuated those things. When she was 17 she booked Urban Outfitters campaign, where she was slutty, because she is a slut, only to sue Urban Outfitters for making her look like a slut while underage, despite being a slut, only to get a cash settlement, for being a slut…and getting her name in the media allowing her to maintain her slut lifestyle…and a few years later, she’s still getting paid to be a slut… Funny how these things work out…for sluts. The post Hailey Clauson for Stone Cold Fox of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailey Clauson for Stone Cold Fox of the Day

Mirand Kerr and Justin Beiber’s Date Night of the Day

I was told by people at Victoria’s Secret who worked with Miranda Kerr that she was fired for fucking Bieber… I was told that she maintained her fake relationship with Orlando Bloom for a year because there was a cash settlement as part of the day. The reason was because they marketed her as the “mom” model everyone could relate to, and mom models aren’t supposed to fuck Biebers… Since then, she’s been doing nothing interesting, other than not getting work and going through her divorce… But it’s nice to see that her and Bieber’s love didn’t die and that despite his fucking hookers in Brazil, they can still go out in public and be seen together as the weirdest of couples around…no matter how big his Bieber dick is…shit is still creepy as fuck… Here’s their first public pic together since last year’s show when Miranda Kerr was at the top of the world…a place she has fallen pretty aggressively from. Yes…this is my kind of journalism.

The rest is here:
Mirand Kerr and Justin Beiber’s Date Night of the Day

Helen Flanagan’s Fun Tits for PETA of the Day

Helen Flanagan is hilarious….but more importantly, she’s busty and not afraid to own them titties….or more importantly squeeze them into some sort of halter top….spilling all over the place like they were BP….and I am into it…I mean who wouldn’t embrace a girl who threw away a shitty acting career, to do such great things like pose for PETA with the likes of PAM ANDERSON and Glamour Model photoshoots, in shitty LAD MAGS you know because being on TV didn’t feed her make attention craving needs. I mean whatever it is that goes wrong in a girl’s life, that forces her to quit a good gig to become internationally known for her tits, is something I am totally all about. She’s amazing, even if I predict her one day being super fat, we don’t have to worry about that here and now…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Continued here:
Helen Flanagan’s Fun Tits for PETA of the Day

Katia Ivanova for Page 3 of the Day

My favorite thing about glamour model who probably doesn’t deserve to be a Glamour model even though any girl with tits they are willing to show off in pictures deserves to be a glamour model…..is that she can take a good beating for her prostitution….You know date a 70 year old billionaire in the Rolling Stones, take a few punches to the face (if that even happened), press charges, take a cash settlement, and go back to your insignificant whore life, this time in topless pictures instead of topless backstage at concerts…… She’s a new age, opportunist hooker, and life is way better than it was back in Russia.

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Katia Ivanova for Page 3 of the Day