They are going 80’s and mid 90’s nasty on the rhetoric. Republican presidential hopefuls really seem to be ramping up the nasty attacks during their campaigns. Donald Trump is known for his profanity-laced and oftentimes offensive campaign, but he’s recently become even more outspoken as he’s publicly lip-synced the F-bomb, cursed more than once, and labeled fellow candidates pathetic, nasty, losers, liars, evil, and more. Ted Cruz has fired back by saying Trump’s insults are “hysterical.” Chris Christie talked about beating Hillary Clinton in debate, saying, “I’ll beat her rear end on that stage.” Even Jeb Bush, after weeks of calling Trump a “jerk,” tweeted that Trump is a loser, liar, and whiner. With awhile to go before a presidential candidate is chosen, what more will they come up with?
Read the rest here:
Check Out The Nastiness Of The Republican Campaign Talk [Video]