Tag Archives: checkout-line

Daria Werbowy for Document No. 5 of the Day

Daria Werbowy is some Ukrainian Canadian import, who escaped communism and joined the maple syrup brigade when she was 3….I’ve never met her, despite knowing everyone in Canada thanks to our Polar Bear expeditions that we are forced to do for free health care, I guess being 5 foot 11, she was able to escape for brighter pastures in the US…where she ended up being a massively successful model, working the Runway, making millions, and now at 30 – posing in her underwear for some obscure magazine I’ve never heard of…I guess dreams come true… What should have been a sex trafficked, bear juggling, circus traveling, cam girl, carni…is now the face of massive brands…meanwhile Americans, who are just as tall can’t even pull this shit off on their own turf because they are too busy working the Walmart checkout line…to pay for the junk food that helps with their obesity and impending diabetes…

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Daria Werbowy for Document No. 5 of the Day

Izabel Goulart for Some Magazine of the Day

Here are some pictures of a Izabel Goulart to remind some of you bitches of what you are supposed to look like. So stop fucking eating fatty, no one wants to see you in a bikini lookin’ as sloppy as you do…there’s a reason your husband’s a loser and you’re sitting behind a desk or working the checkout line at Walmart, stop fucking eating fatty, and pull yourself together….if you don’t look like Izabel Goulart, you are nothing…you are nothing…. I think I’m gonna print this post out and give it to my wife for Valentines Day, it is just around the corner, I’ll throw in a gift certificate to al all you can eat buffet and I’m set…I’m romantic like that! See ladies…I am the ultimate man.

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Izabel Goulart for Some Magazine of the Day

1984 Coming To A WalMart Near You

checkout line: A “video message” from the Department of Homeland Security asking them to look out for “suspicious” activity and report it immediately. added by: joeeddy