Tag Archives: sitting-behind

Adele album sales 3.38 Million Copies

According to Billboard, the “When We Were Young” singer Adele sold 3.38 million copies of 25 in its first week in the U.S., which is the largest single sales week for an album since Nielsen first began tracking music purchases back in 1991. Previously, boy band *N SYNC held the record, with 2.42 million copies of No Strings Attached sold within its first week of release in 2000. Adele’s 25 has even surpassed Swift’s 1989 as the biggest selling album of 2015 (Swift’s hit record has sold 1.8 mi

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Adele album sales 3.38 Million Copies

April Love Geary bikini pics

20-year-old model April Love Geary – who showed off her toned figure in two different bikinis. The mannequin looks like she has been working out plenty as she showed off her figure in this studded black bikini. April has since peppered her social media channels with snaps of Bincy in various states of repose – including one snap that captures the lovable mutt sitting behind the mixing desk during a trip to the recording studio. But while she’s developed a close bond with her new pet, Apr

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April Love Geary bikini pics

Megan Fox Does Comic-Con Good!

I’ve been to Comic-Con before and let me tell you, that place smells worse than my mom’s basement. And I know it’s nerd mecca or something, but one thing we can all agree on is that Megan Fox is smoking hot. But while I’m sitting behind my computer making fun of them, they’re getting to actually enjoy this sexy MILF leg action in person. Hmm, maybe those nerds are smarter than I thought. Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Katherine Heigl Panty Flash of the Day

I fucking hate Katherine Heigl because she looks like a serious cunt. She just has that kind of face you’d want to knock the fuck out if you could get passed her security…. You know one of those fat chicks who thinks she is better than she actually is all because some asshole decided to give her work, make her millions, leading to this diva shit that looks like it was supposed to be sitting behind a desk, working menial job cuz she has no personality, eating snack food all day in anticipation for her night of cuddling with her cat watching reruns of friends….all lonely and depressing….at least that’s what her body looks like…but instead is walkign the streets acting like spoiled brat…and in these pictures flashing panties that no one should see because she’s disgusting…but instead that people are masturbating to cuz it’s all marketing…I mean shit…some poor fucker knocked this bitch up and married her….that shoulda never happened….all marketing.. To See The Pic FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katherine Heigl Panty Flash of the Day

Izabel Goulart for Some Magazine of the Day

Here are some pictures of a Izabel Goulart to remind some of you bitches of what you are supposed to look like. So stop fucking eating fatty, no one wants to see you in a bikini lookin’ as sloppy as you do…there’s a reason your husband’s a loser and you’re sitting behind a desk or working the checkout line at Walmart, stop fucking eating fatty, and pull yourself together….if you don’t look like Izabel Goulart, you are nothing…you are nothing…. I think I’m gonna print this post out and give it to my wife for Valentines Day, it is just around the corner, I’ll throw in a gift certificate to al all you can eat buffet and I’m set…I’m romantic like that! See ladies…I am the ultimate man.

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Izabel Goulart for Some Magazine of the Day

Ivanka Trump is a Big, Lumpy Bitch of the Day

I think Ivanka Trump has been spending too much time sitting behind the desk her daddy bought her, working the job her daddy gave her, because she’s got that whole “I sit at a desk working for a billion dollar company, so I don’t have much time to work out, but I do have a lot of time to order in food, or get my assistant to order in food, because I’m just a lazy rich girl, riding the family wave”…and that doesn’t bother me…I mean I almost respect the fact that she wants to make something of herself, but she would have been better off just spending her dad’s money, spending the day hanging out at the spa, experimenting with expensive diets, until her very rich Jewish husband she converted for knocks her up, and she’s forced to spend 9 months waiting to pawn it off to the nanny, so that she can go back to shopping, spa days and sitting…what the fuck is she trying to prove?! She is fucking dumpy, lumpy and big. Sure she has a hired fat ass to stand next to and have hold her umbrella to make her look skinnier, but the spanx aren’t holding up and her ass is one a retired farmer may be impressed by becuase it reminds him of those erotic days he spent inseminating cows, but for me it’s too sloppy for a set of big tits to distract me from….I’m picky when it comes to commenting on pictures…but not so picky when it comes to real life…. Pics via Bauer

Ivanka Trump is a Big, Lumpy Bitch of the Day

Tito Ortiz Behind Bars — The Lonliest Prisoner

Filed under: Jenna Jameson , Tito Ortiz TMZ has obtained a photo of Tito Ortiz sitting behind bars at

‘Let It Rock’ Singer Lets It Suck

TMZ has learned Kevin Rudolf — the dude who isn’t Lil Wayne in that “Let It Rock” song — pissed off a lot of high school students last month when his $7,000 homecoming performance turned out to be two lip-synced songs and a fast exit. The ASB …

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‘Let It Rock’ Singer Lets It Suck

O.J. Simpson Is a Wanted Man

Filed under: O.J. O.J. Simpson is a popular man while he’s sitting behind bars — a slew of documentarians want to get a sit-down with The Juice.Sources at the Lovelock Correctional Center tell TMZ at least 10 people who have never met O.J.

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O.J. Simpson Is a Wanted Man