Tag Archives: church-members

Doctors Deliver Baby After Pregnant Woman Gets Struck By Lightning

Ian Waldie/Getty Images Pregnant Woman Gets Struck By Lightning Doctors in Florida successfully delivered a baby after the mother was gravely injured. According to NBC 2 , a woman who was 9 months pregnant was struck by a bolt of lightning in the head as she was walking with her mother. That woman, Meghan Davidson of Fort Myers, Florida, is still in critical condition and her baby who was born via an emergency delivery, is still hospitalized. The news station reports that Davidson’s church members are remaining optimistic about her recovery. “Meghan is showing signs of improvement. They have lowered the amount of oxygen that she is getting and they have lowered the sedation,” Bridges said. “We are just all praying for a miracle.” Prayers up for this woman’s recovery.

Doctors Deliver Baby After Pregnant Woman Gets Struck By Lightning

It Turns Out Christians Have More Abortions Than Any Other Religious Group In America

A majority of the women thought their church members would be more likely to gossip about a woman considering an abortion than to help her understand her options.

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It Turns Out Christians Have More Abortions Than Any Other Religious Group In America

It Turns Out Christians Have More Abortions Than Any Other Religious Group In America

A majority of the women thought their church members would be more likely to gossip about a woman considering an abortion than to help her understand her options.

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It Turns Out Christians Have More Abortions Than Any Other Religious Group In America

Lady Gaga’s amazing speech in Portland

check it out. added by: cclark_productions

Meet The Depressed — Obama’s kryptonite cuts to the very heart of the administration’s failings at a presidential economic town hall.

Last night on “The Daily Show” Jon Stewart focused on President Obama's town hall meeting on CNBC, where questions centered around Wall St. and the economy. Among those asking the questions was a woman who Stewart identified as “Obama's Kryptonite.” After fielding questions from a jilted Wall St. executive and a young lawyer who can't afford to pay his student loans, Obama was hit hardest by a middle-class, African-American woman who frankly said, “I'm exhausted of defending you.” It turns out, the woman behind this reasonable critique is not just a middle-class wife and mother, but also a chief financial officer of a veteran's organization, a powerful combination that Stewart considers an “Obama zapping machine.” “A black, lady, financial analyst veteran?” Stewart said in disbelief. “We have found Obama's Kryptonite.” Then, in true 'Daily Show' fashion, Stewart used footage of Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign to show what Americans such as the fed-up woman at the rally were promised, and followed up with clips from the last two years where he defers or denies the ability to follow through with those same promises. added by: atomiclegion

Bowflex exercise machine takes the life of a student

Bowflex exercise machine takes the life of a student Bowflex exercise machine and called 911. His parents were performing CPR on Justin Butler added by: mky786

DNC Chairman Drop an F-Bomb

This shows the mentality of the Democratic Party Now they are worried and using profanity, but it will get more disgusting in the near future. Like Joe Biden said to Obama “This is a big F$%ing deal” TRENDING: Ohio Democrat drops the 'F-bomb' at political event Posted by: CNN's Alison Harding Washington (CNN) – The Ohio Democratic Party chairman found himself in hot water on Tuesday after video emerged of him referring to detractors as “f–ers” at a political event. “If your kid's going to graduate from college, now he or she gets health care – your health care – while he or she looks for a new job. In the very base terms, we win these arguments. And every time one of these f–ers says– excuse my language.” Chris Redfern said on the video captured by a WTOV camera. Redfern was speaking at a private United Steelworkers union hall when he dropped the expletive referring “to those who believe that health care is a privilege and not a right,” he said. Redfern told CNN that he was not aware the camera was on, but said he does not apologize for his comments. “I was invited to speak at a private meeting,” Redfern said. “I said a word that you have used as well.” Ohio, which swung to the Democrats during the 2008 presidential election, is proving to be one of the most challenging states for Democrats this election cycle. According to a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation survey released last week, a majority of voters favor the Republicans in Ohio's Senate and gubernatorial races. Republicans also expected to win back a number of House seats in the crucial 2012 presidential battleground state. http://www.wtov9.com/video/25107808/index.html added by: ReverandG

Men allege sexual coercion by prominent Atlanta pastor

Two Georgia men have filed suit claiming that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex. The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex. “Defendant Long has a pattern and practice of singling out a select group of young male church members and using his authority as Bishop over them to ultimately bring them to a point of engaging in a sexual relationship,” the suits allege. Long is considered one of the nation's top black preachers. Long spokesman Art Franklin said Tuesday that “we categorically deny the allegations.” http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/09/21/georgia.pastor.abuse/index.html added by: Radical_Centrist