Erin Heatherton is a very very very important Victoria’s Secret model, who is just like every single other Victoria’s Secret model, at least in reference to being willing to get naked for money, but never actually naked for money, because Victoria’s Secret is boring, but as a signing bonus, they did make her Leonardo’s girl for a 6 months, which I guess is the allocated contractual amount of time he allows per girl…before moving onto the next Victoria’s Secret model, leaving their dressing room a place that would feel more like a white trash, immigrant hookeer, stripper lockerroom after one girl keeps stealing the other girl’s lap dances and bitch needs to be taught a lesson, but instead, it is a more refined level of catty behavior, because none of them actually have sex with Leo…he’s gay. That said, here is her underwear model cleavage doing nonsense that doesn’t matter…looking like some Russian bride, on her Russian Bride profile, after landing a Green Card…all covered in celebratory balloons, which to a communist is a big deal….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Erin Heatherton Tits for Some Event of the Day