Tag Archives: contaminants

EPA Says Gas Driller Contaminated Texas Aquifer

http://c1.cleantechnica.com/files/2010/05/Natural_Gas_Fracking.jpg The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued an emergency order accusing a Texas gas driller of contaminating an aquifer. The EPA's letter Tuesday gave Range Resources of Forth Worth 48 hours to provide clean drinking water to affected residents and take steps to resolve the problem. The EPA and the Texas Railroad Commission began inspecting wells in August after receiving complaints from residents in North Texas' Parker County. Explosive methane and other contaminants, including cancer-causing benzene, were found two wells. The federal agency says Tuesday's order was issued because the state didn't respond quickly enough. Range Resources denies being the source of the contamination. And the commission says its staff hasn't determined a source. The commission says Range is cooperating with its investigation and calls the EPA's order premature. added by: toyotabedzrock

Science and the Spill

Hello Currenters! The Science Group is dedicating this month to the BP spill; all featured stories will be about the oil and other contaminants that continue to spew into the Gulf, what scientists predict, what they are learning and what efforts are being considered and implemented to stop it. These particular stories are less about political opinions and more about facts and the ecological ramifications of the spill. If you have stories like this, please post them into the Science Group ( http://current.com/science/ ) and EthicalVegan's new group, BP Catastrophe ( http://current.com/groups/bp-catastrophe/ ) Here are a few examples of the stories we have right now: Just the Facts: Livescience takes a look at the most common questions related to the spill, ( http://bit.ly/9C7gk2 ), NYTimes tracks the spill with interactive maps ( http://bit.ly/cShkGz ) and EthicalVegan has an ongoing collection of photos from the area ( http://bit.ly/a2ds28 ) Pollution vs Pollution: Oil isn't the only thing in that water! Scientific American discusses dispertants ( http://bit.ly/9sbGkR ) JanforGore has a video about Corexit ( http://bit.ly/drn5OT ) and the Gulf Coast's Dead Zone is set to grow this year, with the spill being only ONE of the pollutants involved! ( http://bit.ly/clZyWn ) The Ecosystem: Microbes just love methane, and scientists have been awarded grants to study the impact all the oil and methane will have on the microbial population, which effects oxygen levels ( http://bit.ly/bOA1jE ) Birds are getting a helping hand from the US Gov ( http://bit.ly/cJohJH ) and studies are being conducted specifically on the impact on the Whale population ( http://bit.ly/dhJuHU ). So come on by and check out some science, join the group and post some stories! I will try to update the group daily with a wide array of scientific information and studies. Thanks, hope this is helpful and interesting! added by: DeliaTheArtist

The girl who must eat every 15 minutes to stay alive

In fact, the 21-year-old from Austin, Texas, must eat every 15 minutes to stay healthy. Miss Velasquez has a rare condition which prevents her from gaining weight even though she eats up to 60 small meals a day. Despite consuming between 5,000 and 8,000 calories daily, the communications student, has never tipped over 4st 3lbs. “I weigh myself regularly and if I gain even one pound I get really excited,” said 5ft 2 ins Miss Velasquez, who wears size triple zero clothes. “I eat every 15-20 minutes to keep my energy levels up. “I eat small portions of crisps, sweets, chocolate, pizza, chicken, cake, doughnuts, ice cream, noodles and pop tarts all day long, so I get pretty upset when people accuse me of being anorexic.” She was born four weeks prematurely weighing just 2lb 10oz. Doctors found there was minimal amniotic fluid protecting her in the womb. “They told us they had no idea how she could have survived,” said Miss Velasquez's mother Rita, 45, a church secretary. Doctors speculated Lizzie might have the genetic disorder De Barsy syndrome but soon ruled it out as it became clear she did not have learning difficulties. “They kept on trying to figure out what was wrong with her but we treated her like any other child,” said Mrs Velasquez, who charted her daughter's health in dozens of notebooks. She was taken to see genetic experts but they still could not diagnose her. Miss Velasquez's case has fascinated doctors all over the world and she is part of a genetic study run by Professor Abhimanyu Garg, MD, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Professor Garg and his team now believe Lizzie may have a form of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome (NPS) which causes accelerated ageing, fat loss from the face and body, and tissue degeneration. People with PRS often have triangular and prematurely aged faces with a pointy nose. He said: “I am aware of a small number of people that have similar conditions to Lizzie but each case is slightly different. “We cannot predict what will happen to Lizzie in the future as the medical community are yet to document older people with NPS. “However Lizzie is lucky to have healthy teeth, organs and bones so the outlook is good. We will continue to study her case and learn from her.” Miss Velasquez has helped to write a book about her incredible experiences. It is due to be released in September. added by: cclark_productions

What Obama and BP Are Hiding From the General Public – Oil Volcano Unstoppable

http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2010/05/05/learning/oilslickLN/oilslickLN-bl… Oil Volcano Pressure Too Strong For Containment It has been estimated by experts that the pressure which blows the oil into the Gulf waters is estimated to be between 20,000 and 70,000 PSI (pounds per square inch). Impossible to control. What US Scientists Are Forbidden To Tell The Public About The Gulf What you are about to read, is what the scientists in the United States are not allowed to tell you in great fear of the Obama administration. They are under the threat of severe repercussions to the max.. Scientists confirming these findings cannot be named due to the above, but what they believe, they want to be known by all. Take a U. S. map, lay it flat and measure inland just the minimum 50 miles of total destruction all around the Gulf of Mexico as to what you will read below. The carnage to the United States is so staggering, it will take your breathe away. Should what the scientists who are trying to warn everyone about be even close to being true… all of Florida will be completely destroyed as will everyone and everything on it. You decide!! Everyone has the right to read what I have just written in this article, as well as to what is written below by the scientists who the Obama administration and BP are trying to shut up. Please share with as many as you can. –Dr. James P. Wickstrom SUMMARY OF WHAT IS HAPPENING The estimated super high pressure release of oil from under the earth's crust is between 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day. The flow of oil and toxic gases is bringing up with it… rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow, as well as the drilled hole itself. As the well head becomes worn it enlarges the passageway allowing an ever-increasing flow. Even if some device could be placed onto the existing wellhead, it would not be able to shut off the flow, because what remains of the existing wellhead would not be able to contain the pressure. The well head piping is originally about 2 inches thick. It is now likely to be less than 1 inch thick, and thinning by each passing moment. The oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the Oceanic current which is at least four times stronger than the current in the Gulf, which will carry it throughout the world within 18 months. The oil along with the gasses, including benzene and many other toxins, is deleting the oxygen in the water. This is killing all life in the ocean. Along with the oil along the shores, there will be many dead fish, etc. that will have to be gathered and disposed of. SUMMARY OF EXPECTATIONS At some point the drilled hole in the earth will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead to weaken the area the wellhead rests upon. The intense pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct unrestricted flow of oil, etc. The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure within the massive cavity five miles beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalize. This will allow the water, under the intense pressure at 1 mile deep, to be forced into the hole and the cavity where the oil was. The temperature at that depth is near 400 degrees, possibly more. The water will be vaporized and turned into steam, creating an enormous amount of force, lifting the Gulf floor. It is difficult to know how much water will go down to the core and therefore, its not possible to fully calculate the rise of the floor. The tsunami wave this will create will be anywhere from 20 to 80 feet high, possibly more. Then the floor will fall into the now vacant chamber. This is how nature will seal the hole. Depending on the height of the tsunami, the ocean debris, oil, and existing structures that will be washed away on shore and inland, will leave the area from 50 to 200 miles inland devoid of life. Even if the debris is cleaned up, the contaminants that will be in the ground and water supply will prohibit re-population of these areas for an unknown number of years. (End of scientists information release.) From Tom Buyea FL News Service added by: jubal